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Elasticsearch QuickStart

This tutorial will show you how to use KubeDB to run a Elasticsearch database.


Before You Begin

At first, you need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using Minikube.

Now, install KubeDB cli on your workstation and KubeDB operator in your cluster following the steps here.

To keep things isolated, this tutorial uses a separate namespace called demo throughout this tutorial.

$ kubectl create ns demo
namespace "demo" created

$ kubectl get ns demo
demo    Active  5s

Note: Yaml files used in this tutorial are stored in docs/examples/elasticsearch folder in github repository kubedb/cli.

Create a Elasticsearch database

KubeDB implements a Elasticsearch CRD to define the specification of a Elasticsearch database.

Below is the Elasticsearch object created in this tutorial.

kind: Elasticsearch
  name: quick-elasticsearch
  namespace: demo
  version: "5.6"
  doNotPause: true
    storageClassName: "standard"
    - ReadWriteOnce
        storage: 50Mi


  • spec.version is the version of Elasticsearch database. In this tutorial, a Elasticsearch 5.6 database is created.
  • spec.doNotPause prevents user from deleting this object if admission webhook is enabled.
  • specifies the StorageClass of PVC dynamically allocated to store data for this database. This storage spec will be passed to the StatefulSet created by KubeDB operator to run database pods. You can specify any StorageClass available in your cluster with appropriate resource requests. If no storage spec is given, an emptyDir is used.

Create example above with following command

$ kubedb create -f
elasticsearch "quick-elasticsearch" created

KubeDB operator watches for Elasticsearch objects using Kubernetes api. When an Elasticsearch object is created, KubeDB operator creates a new StatefulSet and two ClusterIP Service with the matching name. KubeDB operator will also create a governing service for StatefulSet with the name kubedb, if one is not already present.

KubeDB operator sets the status.phase to Running once the database is successfully created.

$ kubedb get es -n demo quick-elasticsearch -o wide
NAME                  VERSION   STATUS    AGE
quick-elasticsearch   5.6       Running   33m

Lets describe Elasticsearch object quick-elasticsearch

$ kubedb describe es -n demo quick-elasticsearch
Name:               quick-elasticsearch
Namespace:          demo
CreationTimestamp:  Mon, 19 Feb 2018 16:10:45 +0600
Status:             Running
  StorageClass: standard
  Capacity:     50Mi
  Access Modes: RWO

  Name:                 quick-elasticsearch
  Replicas:             1 current / 1 desired
  CreationTimestamp:    Mon, 19 Feb 2018 16:10:55 +0600
  Pods Status:          1 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed

  Name:		quick-elasticsearch
  Type:		ClusterIP
  Port:		http	9200/TCP

  Name:		quick-elasticsearch-master
  Type:		ClusterIP
  Port:		transport	9300/TCP

Certificate Secret:
  Name:	quick-elasticsearch-cert
  Type:	Opaque
  key_pass:     6 bytes
  node.jks:     3013 bytes
  root.jks:     864 bytes
  sgadmin.jks:  3009 bytes

Database Secret:
  Name:	quick-elasticsearch-auth
  Type:	Opaque
  ADMIN_PASSWORD:           8 bytes
  READALL_PASSWORD:         8 bytes
  sg_action_groups.yml:     430 bytes
  sg_config.yml:            240 bytes
  sg_internal_users.yml:    156 bytes
  sg_roles.yml:             312 bytes
  sg_roles_mapping.yml:     73 bytes

  Type                 Pod                     StartTime                       Phase
  ----                 ---                     ---------                       -----
  master|client|data   quick-elasticsearch-0   2018-02-19 16:11:02 +0600 +06   Running

No Snapshots.

  FirstSeen   LastSeen   Count     From                     Type       Reason       Message
  ---------   --------   -----     ----                     --------   ------       -------
  10s         10s        1         Elasticsearch operator   Normal     Successful   Successfully patched Elasticsearch
  40s         40s        1         Elasticsearch operator   Normal     Successful   Successfully patched StatefulSet
  48s         48s        1         Elasticsearch operator   Normal     Successful   Successfully created Elasticsearch
  1m          1m         1         Elasticsearch operator   Normal     Successful   Successfully created StatefulSet
  1m          1m         1         Elasticsearch operator   Normal     Successful   Successfully created Service
  1m          1m         1         Elasticsearch operator   Normal     Successful   Successfully created Service
$ kubectl get service -n demo,
NAME                         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
quick-elasticsearch          ClusterIP     <none>        9200/TCP   22m
quick-elasticsearch-master   ClusterIP   <none>        9300/TCP   22m

Two services for each Elasticsearch object.

  • Service quick-elasticsearch targets all Pods which are acting as client node
  • Service quick-elasticsearch-master targets all Pods which are acting as master node

KubeDB supports Elasticsearch clustering where Pod can be any of these three role: master, data or client.

If you see Topology section in kubedb describe result, you will know role(s) of each Pod.

  Type                 Pod                     StartTime                       Phase
  ----                 ---                     ---------                       -----
  data|master|client   quick-elasticsearch-0   2018-02-12 11:56:47 +0600 +06   Running

Here, we create a Elasticsearch database with single node. This single node will act as master, data and client.

To learn how to configure Elasticsearch cluster, click here.

Please note that KubeDB operator has created two new Secrets for Elasticsearch object.

  1. quick-elasticsearch-auth for storing the passwords and search-guard configuration.
  2. quick-elasticsearch-cert for storing certificates used for SSL connection.
Secret for authentication & configuration
$ kubectl get secret -n demo quick-elasticsearch-auth -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  sg_action_groups.yml: ClVOTElNSVRFRDoKICAtICIqIgoKUk...AiaW5kaWNlczphZG1pbi9nZXQiCg==
  sg_config.yml: CnNlYXJjaGd1YXJkOgogIGR5bmFtaW...AgICAgICAgICB0eXBlOiBpbnRlcm4K
  sg_internal_users.yml: CmFkbWluOgogIGhhc2g6ICQyYSQxMC...JEdkxVSzZrUE1xT1hJVTZYbnN0OWEK
  sg_roles.yml: CnNnX2FsbF9hY2Nlc3M6CiAgY2x1c3...5ESUNFU19LVUJFREJfU05BUFNIT1QK
  sg_roles_mapping.yml: CnNnX2FsbF9hY2Nlc3M6CiAgdXNlcn...VzZXJzOgogICAgLSByZWFkYWxsCg==
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: 2018-02-14T08:24:05Z
  labels: Elasticsearch quick-elasticsearch
  name: quick-elasticsearch-auth
  namespace: demo
  resourceVersion: "4376"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/demo/secrets/quick-elasticsearch-auth
  uid: 6baf55bd-1160-11e8-a344-08002716e6a0
type: Opaque

Note: Auth Secret name format: {elasticsearch-name}-auth

This Secret contains:

  • ADMIN_PASSWORD password for admin user used in search-guard configuration as internal user.
  • READALL_PASSWORD password for readall user with read-only permission only.
  • Followings are used as search-guard configuration
    • sg_action_groups.yml
    • sg_config.yml
    • sg_internal_users.yml
    • sg_roles.yml
    • sg_roles_mapping.yml

See details about search-guard configuration

Secret for certificates
$ kubectl get secret -n demo quick-elasticsearch-cert -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  key_pass: b2xxeHN1
  node.jks: /u3+7QAAAAIAAAABAAAA...A0+i8Kj9XQUo1V/Qg==
  root.jks: /u3+7QAAAAIAAAABAAAA...tBkRsCa+uTUYjiatf7j
  sgadmin.jks: /u3+7QAAAAIAAAABAAAA...e5h2S9Y3e429E/9P1qw
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: 2018-02-19T10:10:53Z
  labels: Elasticsearch quick-elasticsearch
  name: quick-elasticsearch-cert
  namespace: demo
  resourceVersion: "1778"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/demo/secrets/quick-elasticsearch-cert
  uid: 2b5abae5-155d-11e8-a001-42010a8000d5
type: Opaque

Note: Cert Secret name format: {elasticsearch-name}-cert

This Secret contains SSL certificates. See details about SSL certificates needed for Elasticsearch.

Connect Elasticsearch

In this tutorial, we will expose ClusterIP Service quick-elasticsearch to connect database from local.

$ kubectl expose svc -n demo quick-elasticsearch --name=quick-es-exposed --port=9200 --protocol=TCP --type=NodePort
service "quick-es-exposed" exposed
$ kubectl get svc -n demo quick-es-exposed
NAME               TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
quick-es-exposed   NodePort   <none>        9200:32403/TCP   1m

Following will provide URL for quick-es-exposed Service to access Elasticsearch database.

$ minikube service quick-es-exposed -n demo --url

Now, you can connect to this database using curl.

Connection information:

  • address: Use Service URL $ minikube service quick-es-exposed -n demo --url

Run following command to get admin user password

$ kubectl get secrets -n demo quick-elasticsearch-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.\ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d

Check health of the elasticsearch database

export es_service=$(minikube service quick-es-exposed -n demo --url)
export es_admin_pass=$(kubectl get secrets -n demo quick-elasticsearch-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.\ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d)
curl --user "admin:$es_admin_pass" "$es_service/_cluster/health?pretty"
  "cluster_name" : "quick-elasticsearch",
  "status" : "green",
  "timed_out" : false,
  "number_of_nodes" : 1,
  "number_of_data_nodes" : 1,
  "active_primary_shards" : 1,
  "active_shards" : 1,
  "relocating_shards" : 0,
  "initializing_shards" : 0,
  "unassigned_shards" : 0,
  "delayed_unassigned_shards" : 0,
  "number_of_pending_tasks" : 0,
  "number_of_in_flight_fetch" : 0,
  "task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis" : 0,
  "active_shards_percent_as_number" : 100.0

Pause Elasticsearch

KubeDB takes advantage of ValidationWebhook feature in Kubernetes 1.9.0 or later clusters to implement doNotPause feature. If admission webhook is enabled, It prevents user from deleting the database as long as the spec.doNotPause is set true.

In this tutorial, Elasticsearch quick-elasticsearch is created with spec.doNotPause: true. So, if you delete this Elasticsearch object, admission webhook will nullify the delete operation.

$ kubedb delete es -n demo quick-elasticsearch
error: Elasticsearch "quick-elasticsearch " can't be paused. To continue delete, unset spec.doNotPause and retry.

To continue with this tutorial, unset spec.doNotPause by updating Elasticsearch object

$ kubedb edit es -n demo quick-elasticsearch
  doNotPause: false

Now, if you delete the Elasticsearch object, KubeDB operator will create a matching DormantDatabase object. KubeDB operator watches for DormantDatabase objects and it will take necessary steps when a DormantDatabase object is created.

KubeDB operator will delete the StatefulSet and its Pods, but leaves the Secret, PVCs unchanged.

$ kubedb delete es -n demo quick-elasticsearch
elasticsearch "quick-elasticsearch" deleted

Check DormantDatabase entry

$ kubedb get drmn -n demo quick-elasticsearch
NAME                  STATUS    AGE
quick-elasticsearch   Paused    1m

In KubeDB parlance, we say that Elasticsearch quick-elasticsearch has entered into dormant state.

Lets see, what we have in this DormantDatabase object

$ kubedb get drmn -n demo quick-elasticsearch -o yaml
kind: DormantDatabase
  clusterName: ""
  creationTimestamp: 2018-02-13T05:41:49Z
  generation: 0
  labels: Elasticsearch
  name: quick-elasticsearch
  namespace: demo
  resourceVersion: "2072"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: 9624f877-1080-11e8-9e42-0800271bdbb6
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: quick-elasticsearch
      namespace: demo
          secretName: quick-elasticsearch-cert
          secretName: quick-elasticsearch-auth
        resources: {}
          - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: 50Mi
          storageClassName: standard
        version: "5.6"
  creationTime: 2018-02-13T05:41:49Z
  pausingTime: 2018-02-13T05:42:12Z
  phase: Paused


  • spec.origin contains original Elasticsearch object.
  • status.phase points to the current database state Paused.

Resume DormantDatabase

To resume the database from the dormant state, create same Elasticsearch object with same Spec.

In this tutorial, the DormantDatabase quick-elasticsearch can be resumed by creating original Elasticsearch object.

The below command will resume the DormantDatabase quick-elasticsearch

$ kubedb create -f
elasticsearch "quick-elasticsearch" created

WipeOut DormantDatabase

You can wipe out a DormantDatabase while deleting the objet by setting spec.wipeOut to true. KubeDB operator will delete any relevant resources of this Elasticsearch database (i.e, PVCs, Secrets, Snapshots). It will also delete snapshot data stored in the Cloud Storage buckets.

$ kubedb edit drmn -n demo quick-elasticsearch
  wipeOut: true

If spec.wipeOut is not set to true while deleting the dormantdatabase object, then only this object will be deleted and kubedb-operator won’t delete related Secrets, PVCs and Snapshots. So, user still can access the stored data in the cloud storage buckets as well as PVCs.

Delete DormantDatabase

As it is already discussed above, DormantDatabase can be deleted with or without wiping out the resources. To delete the dormantdatabase,

$ kubedb delete drmn -n demo quick-elasticsearch
dormantdatabase "quick-elasticsearch" deleted

Cleaning up

To cleanup the Kubernetes resources created by this tutorial, run:

$ kubectl patch -n demo es/quick-elasticsearch -p '{"spec":{"doNotPause":false}}' --type="merge"
$ kubectl delete -n demo es/quick-elasticsearch

$ kubectl patch -n demo drmn/quick-elasticsearch -p '{"spec":{"wipeOut":true}}' --type="merge"
$ kubectl delete -n demo drmn/quick-elasticsearch

$ kubectl delete ns demo

Next Steps