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Supported MySQL Features
Features | Availability |
Clustering | ✗ |
Persistent Volume | ✓ |
Instant Backup | ✓ |
Scheduled Backup | ✓ |
Initialize using Snapshot | ✓ |
Initialize using Script (*.sql, *sql.gz and/or *.sh) | ✓ |
Builtin Prometheus Discovery | ✓ |
Using CoreOS Prometheus Operator | ✓ |
Life Cycle of a MySQL Object
Supported MySQL Versions
KubeDB Version | MySQL:8.0 | MySQL:5.7 |
0.1.0 - 0.7.0 | ✗ | ✗ |
0.8.0-beta.2 | ✓ | ✗ |
0.8.0-rc.0 | ✓ | ✓ |
User Guide
- Quickstart MySQL with KubeDB Operator.
- Snapshot and Restore process of MySQL databases using KubeDB.
- Take Scheduled Snapshot of MySQL databases using KubeDB.
- Initialize MySQL with Script.
- Initialize MySQL with Snapshot.
- Monitor your MySQL database with KubeDB using out-of-the-box CoreOS Prometheus Operator.
- Monitor your MySQL database with KubeDB using out-of-the-box builtin-Prometheus.
- Use private Docker registry to deploy MySQL with KubeDB.
- Use kubedb cli to manage databases like kubectl for Kubernetes.
- Detail concepts of MySQL object.
- Detail concepts of Snapshot object.
- Wondering what features are coming next? Please visit here.
- Want to hack on KubeDB? Check our contribution guidelines.