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Use TLS certificate
If enableSSL
is set to be true in Elasticsearch object, only HTTPS calls are allowed to database server.
Before You Begin
At first, you need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using Minikube.
Now, install KubeDB cli on your workstation and KubeDB operator in your cluster following the steps here.
To keep things isolated, this tutorial uses a separate namespace called demo
throughout this tutorial.
$ kubectl create ns demo
namespace "demo" created
$ kubectl get ns demo
demo Active 5s
Note: Yaml files used in this tutorial are stored in docs/examples/elasticsearch folder in github repository kubedb/cli.
We need an Elasticsearch object in Running
phase where enableSSL
is set to be true
kind: Elasticsearch
name: ssl-elasticsearch
namespace: demo
version: "5.6"
replicas: 2
enableSSL: true
If Elasticsearch object ssl-elasticsearch
doesn’t exists, create it first.
$ kubedb create -f
elasticsearch "ssl-elasticsearch" created
$ kubedb get es -n demo ssl-elasticsearch
ssl-elasticsearch Running 17m
HTTPS request to Elasticsearch
If enableSSL
is set to be true
, only HTTPS calls are allowed to Elasticsearch server. If certificates are not provided when Elasticsearch is created,
KubeDB operator will create necessary certificates and use those in Search Guard.
Lets check the certificate, KubeDB created for Elasticsearch ssl-elasticsearch
$ kubectl get secret -n demo ssl-elasticsearch-cert -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
client.jks: /u3+7QAAAAIAAAABAAAA...mVv0I52GubpXTAahXDo=
node.jks: /u3+7QAAAAIAAAABAAAA...pn6opk0qoxabtPTP30c=
root.jks: /u3+7QAAAAIAAAABAAAA...rjIEWtBA1IMnDcB2JJm5
sgadmin.jks: /u3+7QAAAAIAAAABAAAA...12OXut1U7gYnEyJsBg==
key_pass: NnRhN3h2
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: 2018-02-19T09:51:45Z
labels: Elasticsearch ssl-elasticsearch
name: ssl-elasticsearch-cert
namespace: demo
resourceVersion: "754"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/demo/secrets/ssl-elasticsearch-cert
uid: 7efdaf31-155a-11e8-a001-42010a8000d5
type: Opaque
Connect Elasticsearch
In this tutorial, we will expose ClusterIP Service ssl-elasticsearch
to connect database from local.
$ kubectl expose svc -n demo ssl-elasticsearch --name=ssl-es-exposed --port=9200 --protocol=TCP --type=NodePort
service "ssl-es-exposed" exposed
$ kubectl get svc -n demo ssl-es-exposed
ssl-es-exposed NodePort <none> 9200:30582/TCP 2m
Elasticsearch ssl-elasticsearch
is exposed with following URL
$ minikube service ssl-es-exposed -n demo --https --url
To connect Elasticsearch server securely, now you need to use DNS endpoints of client certificate which are:
- localhost
- ssl-elasticsearch.demo.svc
Lets use ssl-elasticsearch.svc.demo
as host name
curl https://ssl-elasticsearch.demo.svc:30582
Note: You need to set
as DNS entry of IP192.168.99.100
(minikube IP)
As TLS on HTTP layer is enabled, we need to provide root/ca certificate.
To get the root certificate data from Secret, run following command
$ kubectl get secrets -n demo ssl-elasticsearch-cert -o jsonpath='{.data.\root\.pem}' | base64 --decode > root.pem
Now try to connect, it will give Unauthorized
reply. That means, provided certificate works
$ curl https://ssl-elasticsearch.demo.svc:30582 --cacert root.pem
Run following command to get admin
user password
$ kubectl get secrets -n demo ssl-elasticsearch-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.\ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d
Now run following commands to connect to Elasticsearch server in secure mode with basic auth information.
export es_service=https://ssl-elasticsearch.demo.svc:30582
export es_admin_pass=$(kubectl get secrets -n demo ssl-elasticsearch-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.\ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d)
curl --user "admin:$es_admin_pass" "$es_service/_cluster/health?pretty" --cacert root.pem
"cluster_name" : "ssl-elasticsearch",
"status" : "green",
"timed_out" : false,
"number_of_nodes" : 2,
"number_of_data_nodes" : 2,
"active_primary_shards" : 1,
"active_shards" : 2,
"relocating_shards" : 0,
"initializing_shards" : 0,
"unassigned_shards" : 0,
"delayed_unassigned_shards" : 0,
"number_of_pending_tasks" : 0,
"number_of_in_flight_fetch" : 0,
"task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis" : 0,
"active_shards_percent_as_number" : 100.0
In summary,
- If
is not set, you do not need certificate to validate client, but still you need basic auth. - If
is set, you need root certificate to validate client.
If certificate Secret is not provided when creating Elasticsearch, one will be created for user.
Note: Do not need to provide client certificate. Client is verified by valid host name.
Cleaning up
To cleanup the Kubernetes resources created by this tutorial, run:
$ kubectl patch -n demo es/ssl-elasticsearch -p '{"spec":{"doNotPause":false}}' --type="merge"
$ kubectl delete -n demo es/ssl-elasticsearch
$ kubectl patch -n demo drmn/ssl-elasticsearch -p '{"spec":{"wipeOut":true}}' --type="merge"
$ kubectl delete -n demo drmn/ssl-elasticsearch
$ kubectl delete ns demo
Next Steps
- Learn how to create TLS certificates.
- Learn how to generate search-guard configuration.
- Wondering what features are coming next? Please visit here.
- Want to hack on KubeDB? Check our contribution guidelines.