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KubeDB v2020.07.10-beta.1 (2020-07-10)









  • a081a36 Prepare for release v0.14.0-beta.1 (#107)
  • 9c3fd4a Make chart registry configurable (#106)
  • a3da9a1 Publish to testing dir for alpha/beta releases
  • 33685ee Update License (#105)
  • f06fa20 Update MySQL version catalog (#104)
  • 674d129 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#101)
  • fc16306 Update ci.yml
  • f65dd16 Tag chart and app version as string for yq
  • ac21db4 Update links (#100)
  • 4a71c15 Update
  • e7f14e9 Update
  • b26d3b8 Update release.yml
  • 4f4985d Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#98)
  • 94baab8 Update ci.yml
  • 34ba017 Change enterprise operator image name to kubedb-enterprise (#97)
  • bc83b11 Add commands to update chart (#96)
  • a0ddc4b Bring back postgres 9.6 (#95)
  • 59c1cee Fix chart release process (#94)
  • 40072c6 Deprecate non-patched versions (#93)
  • 16f09ed Update .kodiak.toml
  • bb902e3 Release kubedb-enterprise chart to stable charts
  • 7c94dfc Remove default deprecated: false fields (#92)
  • 07b162d Update chart versions (#91)
  • dd156da Add rbac for configmaps
  • a175cc9 Revise the validator & mutator webhook names (#90)
  • 777b636 Add kubedb-enterprise chart (#89)
  • 6d4f4d8 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#84)
  • 8065729 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3
  • 87052ae Create .kodiak.toml
  • 8c8c122 Add RBAC permission for generic garbage collector (#82)
  • f391304 Permit configmap list/watch for delegated authentication (#81)
  • 96dbad6 Use updated image registry values field
  • a770d06 Generate both v1beta1 and v1 CRD YAML (#80)
  • ee01bf6 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#79)
  • 7e6edc3 Update chart docs
  • 71e999d Remove combined redis catalog template
  • 19aa0a1 Merge pull request #77 from kubedb/opsvalidator
  • 103ca84 Use enterprise port values
  • 5d538b8 Add ops request validator
  • ce37683 Update enterprise operator tag (#78)
  • 9a08d70 Merge pull request #76 from kubedb/mysqlnewversion
  • 82a2d67 remove unnecessary code and rename standAlone to standalone
  • f3f6d05 Add extra wrap for depricated version
  • 7206194 Add mysql new version
  • f4e79c8 Rename api group to (#75)
  • ee49da5 Add skipDeprecated to catalog chart (#74)
  • dd6d4f9 Split db catalog into separate files per version (#73)
  • 4ab187b Merge pull request #71 from kubedb/fix-ci
  • bdbc6b5 Remove PSP for Snapshot
  • b51576b Use recommended kubernetes app labels
  • 6f5a51c Merge pull request #72 from pohly/memached-1.5.22
  • a89d9bf memcached: add 1.5.22
  • a6b63d6 Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
  • 600eb93 Update chart readme
  • df4bcb2 Auto generate chart readme file
  • 00ca986 Use GCR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_KEY env in CI
  • c0cdfe0 Configure Docker credential helper
  • 06ed3df Use to host enterprise operator image
  • 9d0fbc9 Update release.yml
  • e066043 -> (#66)
  • 91f37ec Use image.registry in catalog chart (#65)
  • a1ad35c Move apireg annotation to operator pod (#64)
  • b02b054 Add fuzz tests for CRDs (#63)
  • 12c1d4f Various fixes (#62)
  • 9b572fa Use kubectl v1.17.0 (#61)
  • 2825f18 Fix helm install –wait flag (#57)
  • 3e205ae Fix tolerations indentation for deployment (#58)
  • bed096d Add cluster-role for (#54)
  • a684c02 Update user roles for KubeDB crds (#60)
  • 9e4f924 Add release script to upload charts (#55)
  • 1a9ba37 Updated Mongodb Init images (#51)
  • 1ab4bed Run checks once in CI pipeline (#53)
  • 5265527 Properly mark optional fields (#52)
  • 6153622 Add replicationModeDetector image field into MySQLVersion CRD (#50)
  • d546169 Add enterprise operator sidecar (#49)
  • cbc7f03 Add deletocollection verbs to kubedb roles (#44)
  • c598e90 Allow specifying rather than generating certs (#48)
  • b39d710 RBAC for cert manger, issuer watcher, and secret watcher (#43)
  • 0276c34 Add missing permissions for PgBouncer operator (#47)
  • b85efed Update Installer for ProxySQL and PerconaXtraDB (#46)
  • 5c8212a Don’t install PSP policy when catalog is disabled. (#45)
  • b8ebcdb Bring back support for k8s 1.11 (#42)
  • b9453f2 Change minimum k8s req to 1.12 and use helm 3 in chart readme (#41)
  • 29b4a96 Add catalog for percona standalone (#40)
  • 1ff9a1f Avoid creating apiservices when webhooks are disabled (#39)
  • b96eeba Update kubedb-catalog values
  • c6bc91a Conditionally create validating and mutating webhooks. (#38)
  • e390c04 Delete script based installer (#36)
  • ab0f799 Update installer for ProxySQL (#17)
  • 5762cbf Update installer for PerconaXtraDB (#14)
  • 6b5565a Pass imagePullSecrets as an array to service accounts (#37)
  • 3a552a1 Use helmpack/chart-testing:v3.0.0-beta.1 (#35)
  • 13fc00b Fix RBAC permissions for Stash restoresessions (#34)
  • 0023d58 Mark optional fields in installer CRD
  • b24b05e Add installer api CRD (#31)
  • 51f80ea Always create rbac resources (#32)
  • f36f6c8 Use kind v0.6.1 (#30)
  • b13266e Properly handle empty image pull secret name in installer (#29)
  • 0243c9e Test installers (#27)
  • 5aaba63 Fix typo (#28)
  • dd2595d Use separate docker registry for operator and catalog images (#26)
  • 316f340 Use pgbouncer_exporter:v0.1.1
  • 29843a0 Support for pgbouncers (#11)
  • 2f2f902 Ensure operator service points to its own pod. (#25)
  • d187265 Update postgres versions (#24)
  • 167fe46 Remove –enable-status-subresource flag (#23)
  • 025afcb ESVerdion 7.3.2 and 7.3 added (#21)
  • adb433f Support for xpack in es6.8 and es7.2 (#20)
  • 22634fa Add crd for elasticsearch 7.2.0 (#9)
  • b06b2ea Add namespace to cleaner Job (#18)
  • ac173e6 Download onessl version v0.13.1 for Kubernetes 1.16 fix (#19)
  • 3375df9 Use percona mongodb exporter from 0.13.0 (#16)
  • fdc6105 Add support for Elasticsearch 6.8.0 (#7)



  • 3f7c1b90 Prepare for release v0.7.0-beta.1 (#160)
  • 1278cd57 include Makefile.env (#158)
  • 676222b7 Update License (#157)
  • 216fdcd4 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#156)
  • dc59abf4 Update ci.yml
  • 071589c5 Update
  • 79bc96d8 Update
  • 31f5fca6 Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#155)
  • 05d1d6ab Update .kodiak.toml
  • 522b617f Various fixes (#154)
  • 2ed2c3a0 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#152)
  • 10cea9ad Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3
  • 582177b0 Create .kodiak.toml
  • bf1900b6 Run flaky e2e test (#151)
  • aa09abfc Use CRD v1 for Kubernetes >= 1.16 (#150)
  • b2586151 Merge pull request #146 from pohly/pmem
  • dbd5b2b0 Fix build
  • d0722c34 WIP: implement PMEM support
  • f16b1198 Makefile: adapt to recent installer repo changes
  • 32f71c56 Makefile: support e2e testing with arbitrary KUBECONFIG file
  • 6ed07efc Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#149)
  • ce702669 Fix e2e tests (#148)
  • 18917f8d Revendor (#147)
  • e51d327c Update crazy-max/ghaction-docker-buildx flag
  • 1202c059 Use updated operator labels in e2e tests (#144)
  • e02d42a4 Pass annotations from CRD to AppBinding (#145)
  • 2c91d63b Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
  • 67c83a9a Update
  • 85e3cf54 Use[email protected] (#143)
  • e61dd2e6 Update error msg to reject halt when termination policy is ‘DoNotTerminate’
  • bc079b7b Introduce spec.halted and removed dormant crd (#142)
  • f31610c3 Refactor CI pipeline to run build once (#141)
  • f5eec5e4 Update kubernetes client-go to 1.16.3 (#140)
  • f645174a Update catalog values for make install command
  • 2a297c89 Use charts to install operator (#139)
  • 83e2ba17 Moved out docker files and added matrix github actions ci/cd (#138)
  • 97e3a5bd Add add-license make target
  • 7b79fbfe Add license header to files (#137)
  • 2afa406f Enable make ci (#136)
  • bab32534 Remove EnableStatusSubresource (#135)







  • 3e62838 Prepare for release v0.1.0-beta.1 (#9)
  • e54c4c0 Update License (#7)
  • e071b02 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#6)
  • 8992bcb Update
  • acc1038 Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#5)
  • 706b5b0 Update .kodiak.toml
  • 4e52c03 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#4)
  • adb05ae Merge branch ‘master’ into gomod-refresher-1591418508
  • 3a99f80 Create .kodiak.toml
  • 6289807 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3
  • 1dd24be Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#3)
  • 6d02366 Update Makefile and CI configuration (#2)
  • fc95884 Add primary role labeler controller (#1)
  • 99dfb12 add





  • 28b9fc0f Prepare for release v0.1.0-beta.1 (#41)
  • fb4f5444 Update for release [email protected] (#39)
  • ad221aa2 include Makefile.env
  • 841ec855 Allow customizing chart registry (#38)
  • bb608980 Update License (#37)
  • cf8cd2fa Update for release [email protected] (#36)
  • 7b28c4b9 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#35)
  • 848ff94a Update ci.yml
  • d124dd6a Load stash version from .env file for make (#34)
  • 1de40e1d Update
  • 7a4503be Update
  • ad0dfaf8 Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#33)
  • aaca6bd9 Update .kodiak.toml
  • 9a495724 Various fixes (#32)
  • 9b6c9a53 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#31)
  • 67912547 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3
  • fc8ce4cc Create .kodiak.toml
  • 8aba5ef2 Use CRD v1 for Kubernetes >= 1.16 (#30)
  • e81d2b4c Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#29)
  • 2a32730a Fix e2e tests (#28)
  • a79626d9 Update stash install commands
  • 52fc2059 Use recommended kubernetes app labels (#27)
  • 93dc10ec Update crazy-max/ghaction-docker-buildx flag
  • ce5717e2 Revendor (#26)
  • c1ca649d Pass annotations from CRD to AppBinding (#25)
  • f327cc01 Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
  • 02432393 Update
  • a89dbc55 Use[email protected] (#24)
  • e69742de Update for percona-xtradb standalone restoresession (#23)
  • 958877a1 Various fixes (#21)
  • fb0d7a35 Update kubernetes client-go to 1.16.3 (#20)
  • 293fe9a4 Fix default make command
  • 39358e3b Use charts to install operator (#19)
  • 6c5b3395 Several fixes and update tests (#18)
  • 84ff139f Various Makefile improvements (#16)
  • e2737f65 Remove EnableStatusSubresource (#17)
  • fb886b07 Run e2e tests using GitHub actions (#12)
  • 35b155d9 Validate DBVersionSpecs and fixed broken build (#15)
  • 67794bd9 Update go.yml
  • f7666354 Various changes for Percona XtraDB (#13)
  • ceb7ba67 Enable GitHub actions
  • f5a112af Refactor for ProxySQL Integration (#11)
  • 26602049 Revendor
  • 71957d40 Rename from perconaxtradb to percona-xtradb (#10)
  • b526ccd8 Set database version in AppBinding (#7)
  • 336e7203 Percona XtraDB Cluster support (#9)
  • 71a42f7a Don’t set annotation to AppBinding (#8)
  • 282298cb Fix UpsertDatabaseAnnotation() function (#4)
  • 2ab9dddf Add license header to Makefiles (#6)
  • df135c08 Add install, uninstall and purge command in Makefile (#3)
  • 73d3a845 Update .gitignore
  • 59a4e754 Add Makefile (#2)
  • f3551ddc Rename package path (#1)
  • 56a241d6 Use explicit IP whitelist instead of automatic IP whitelist (#151)
  • 9f0b5ca3 Update to k8s 1.14.0 client libraries using go.mod (#147)
  • 73ad7c30 Update changelog
  • ccc36b5c Update
  • 9769e8e1 Start next dev cycle
  • a3fa468a Prepare release 0.5.0
  • 6d8862de Mysql Group Replication tests (#146)
  • 49544e55 Mysql Group Replication (#144)
  • a85d4b44 Revendor dependencies
  • 9c538460 Changed Role to exclude psp without name (#143)
  • 6cace93b Modify mutator validator names (#142)
  • da0c19b9 Update changelog
  • b79c80d6 Start next dev cycle
  • 838d9459 Prepare release 0.4.0
  • bf0f2c14 Added PSP names and init container image in testing framework (#141)
  • 3d227570 Added PSP support for mySQL (#137)
  • 7b766657 Don’t inherit labels from CRD into offshoots (#140)
  • 29e23470 Support for init container (#139)
  • 3e1556f6 Add role label to stats service (#138)
  • ee078af9 Update changelog
  • 978f1139 Update Kubernetes client libraries to 1.13.0 release (#136)
  • 821f23d1 Start next dev cycle
  • 678b26aa Prepare release 0.3.0
  • 40ad7a23 Initial RBAC support: create and use K8s service account for MySQL (#134)
  • 98f03387 Revendor dependencies (#135)
  • dfe92615 Revendor dependencies : Retry Failed Scheduler Snapshot (#133)
  • 71f8a350 Added ephemeral StorageType support (#132)
  • 0a6b6e46 Added support of MySQL 8.0.14 (#131)
  • 99e57a9e Use PVC spec from snapshot if provided (#130)
  • 61497be6 Revendored and updated tests for ‘Prevent prefix matching of multiple snapshots’ (#129)
  • 7eafe088 Add certificate health checker (#128)
  • 973ec416 Update E2E test: Env update is not restricted anymore (#127)
  • 339975ff Fix AppBinding (#126)
  • 62050a72 Update changelog
  • 2d454043 Prepare release 0.2.0
  • 6941ea59 Reuse event recorder (#125)
  • b77e66c4 OSM binary upgraded in mysql-tools (#123)
  • c9228086 Revendor dependencies (#124)
  • 97837120 Test for faulty snapshot (#122)
  • c3e995b6 Start next dev cycle
  • 8a4f3b13 Prepare release 0.2.0-rc.2
  • 79942191 Upgrade database secret keys (#121)
  • 1747fdf5 Ignore mutation of fields to default values during update (#120)
  • d902d588 Support configuration options for exporter sidecar (#119)
  • dd7c3f44 Use flags.DumpAll (#118)
  • bc1ef05b Start next dev cycle
  • 9d33c1a0 Prepare release 0.2.0-rc.1
  • b076e141 Apply cleanup (#117)
  • 7dc5641f Set periodic analytics (#116)
  • 90ea6acc Introduce AppBinding support (#115)
  • a882d76a Fix Analytics (#114)
  • 0961009c Error out from cron job for deprecated dbversion (#113)
  • da1f4e27 Add CRDs without observation when operator starts (#112)
  • 0a754d2f Update changelog
  • b09bc6e1 Start next dev cycle
  • 0d467ccb Prepare release 0.2.0-rc.0
  • c757007a Merge commit ‘cc6607a3589a79a5e61bb198d370ea0ae30b9d09’
  • ddfe4be1 Support custom user passowrd for backup (#111)
  • 8c84ba20 Support providing resources for monitoring container (#110)
  • 7bcfbc48 Update kubernetes client libraries to 1.12.0 (#109)
  • 145bba2b Add validation webhook xray (#108)
  • 6da1887f Various Fixes (#107)
  • 111519e9 Merge ports from service template (#105)
  • 38147ef1 Replace doNotPause with TerminationPolicy = DoNotTerminate (#104)
  • e28ebc47 Pass resources to NamespaceValidator (#103)
  • aed12bf5 Various fixes (#102)
  • 3d372ef6 Support Livecycle hook and container probes (#101)
  • b6ef6887 Check if Kubernetes version is supported before running operator (#100)
  • d89e7783 Update package alias (#99)
  • f0b44b3a Start next dev cycle
  • a79ff03b Prepare release 0.2.0-beta.1
  • 0d8d3cca Revendor api (#98)
  • 2f850243 Fix tests (#97)
  • 4ced0bfe Revendor api for catalog apigroup (#96)
  • e7695400 Update chanelog
  • 8e358aea Use –pull flag with docker build (#20) (#95)
  • d2a97d90 Merge commit ‘16c769ee4686576f172a6b79a10d25bfd79ca4a4’
  • d1fe8a8a Start next dev cycle
  • 04eb9bb5 Prepare release 0.2.0-beta.0
  • 9dfea960 Pass extra args to (#93)
  • 47dd3cad Don’t try to wipe out Snapshot data for Local backend (#92)
  • 9c4d485b Add missing alt-tag docker folder mysql-tools images (#91)
  • be72f784 Use suffix for updated DBImage & Stop working for deprecated *Versions (#90)
  • 05c8f14d Search used secrets within same namespace of DB object (#89)
  • 0d94c946 Support Termination Policy (#88)
  • 8775ddf7 Update
  • 796c93da Revendor (#87)
  • 5a1e3f57 Revendor kubernetes-1.11.3 (#86)
  • 809a3c49 Support UpdateStrategy (#84)
  • 372c52ef Add TerminationPolicy for databases (#83)
  • c01b55e8 Revendor api (#82)
  • 5e196b95 Use IntHash as status.observedGeneration (#81)
  • 2da3bb1b fix github status (#80)
  • 121d0a98 Update pipeline (#79)
  • 532e3137 Fix E2E test for minikube (#78)
  • 0f107815 Update pipeline (#77)
  • 851679e2 Migrate MySQL (#75)
  • 0b997855 Use official exporter image (#74)
  • 702d5736 Fix uninstall for concourse (#70)
  • 9ee88bd2 Update status.ObservedGeneration for failure phase (#73)
  • 559cdb6a Keep track of ObservedGenerationHash (#72)
  • 61c8b898 Use NewObservableHandler (#71)
  • 421274dc Merge commit ‘887037c7e36289e3135dda99346fccc7e2ce303b’
  • 6a41d9bc Fix uninstall for concourse (#69)
  • f1af09db Update
  • bf3f1823 Revise immutable spec fields (#68)
  • 26adec3b Merge commit ‘5f83049fc01dc1d0709ac0014d6f3a0f74a39417’
  • 31a97820 Support passing args via PodTemplate (#67)
  • 60f4ee23 Introduce storageType : ephemeral (#66)
  • bfd3fcd6 Add support for running tests on cncf cluster (#63)
  • fba47b19 Merge commit ’e010cbb302c8d59d4cf69dd77085b046ff423b78’
  • 6be96ce0 Revendor api (#65)
  • 0f629ab3 Keep track of observedGeneration in status (#64)
  • c9a9596f Separate StatsService for monitoring (#62)
  • 62854641 Use MySQLVersion for MySQL images (#61)
  • 3c170c56 Use updated crd spec (#60)
  • 873c285e Rename OffshootLabels to OffshootSelectors (#59)
  • 2fd02169 Revendor api (#58)
  • a127d6cd Use kmodules monitoring and objectstore api (#57)
  • 2f79a038 Support custom configuration (#52)
  • 49c67f00 Merge commit ‘44e6d4985d93556e39ddcc4677ada5437fc5be64’
  • fb28bc6c Refactor concourse scripts (#56)
  • 4de4ced1 Fix command ./hack/ test e2e (#55)
  • 3082123e Set generated binary name to my-operator (#54)
  • 5698f314 Don’t add admission/v1beta1 group as a prioritized version (#53)
  • 696135d5 Fix travis build (#48)
  • c519ef89 Format shell script (#51)
  • c93e2f40 Enable status subresource for crds (#50)
  • edd951ca Update client-go to v8.0.0 (#49)
  • 520597a6 Merge commit ‘71850e2c90cda8fc588b7dedb340edf3d316baea’
  • f1549e95 Support ENV variables in CRDs (#46)
  • 67f37780 Updated osm version to 0.7.1 (#47)
  • 10e309c0 Prepare release 0.1.0
  • 62a8fbbd Fixed missing error return (#45)
  • 8c05bb83 Revendor dependencies (#44)
  • ca811a2e Fix release script (#43)
  • b79541f6 Add changelog (#42)
  • a2d13c82 Concourse (#41)
  • 95b2186e Fixed kubeconfig plugin for Cloud Providers && Storage is required for MySQL (#40)
  • 37762093 Refactored E2E testing to support E2E testing with admission webhook in cloud (#38)
  • b6fe72ca Remove lost+found directory before initializing mysql (#39)
  • 18ebb959 Skip delete requests for empty resources (#37)
  • eeb7add0 Don’t panic if admission options is nil (#36)
  • ccb59db0 Disable admission controllers for webhook server (#35)
  • b1c6c149 Separate ApiGroup for Mutating and Validating webhook && upgraded osm to 0.7.0 (#34)
  • b1890f7c Update client-go to 7.0.0 (#33)
  • 08c81726 Added update script for mysql-tools:8 (#32)
  • 4bbe6c9f Added support of mysql:5.7 (#31)
  • e657f512 Add support for one informer and N-eventHandler for snapshot, dromantDB and Job (#30)
  • bbcd48d6 Use metrics from kube apiserver (#29)
  • 1687e197 Bundle webhook server and Use SharedInformerFactory (#28)
  • cd0efc00 Move MySQL AdmissionWebhook packages into MySQL repository (#27)
  • 46065e18 Use mysql:8.0.3 image as mysql:8.0 (#26)
  • 1b73529f Update
  • 62eaa397 Update
  • c53704c7 Remove Docker pull count
  • b9ec877e Add travis yaml (#25)
  • ade3571c Start next dev cycle
  • b4b749df Prepare release 0.1.0-beta.2
  • 4d46d95d Migrating to apps/v1 (#23)
  • 5ee1ac8c Update validation (#22)
  • dd023c50 Fix dormantDB matching: pass same type to Equal method (#21)
  • 37a1e4fd Use official code generator scripts (#20)
  • 485d3d7c Fixed dormantdb matching & Raised throttling time & Fixed MySQL version Checking (#19)
  • 6db2ae8d Prepare release 0.1.0-beta.1
  • ebbfec2f converted to k8s 1.9 & Improved InitSpec in DormantDB & Added support for Job watcher & Improved Tests (#17)
  • a484e0e5 Fixed logger, analytics and removed rbac stuff (#16)
  • 7aa2d1d2 Add rbac stuffs for mysql-exporter (#15)
  • 078098c8 Review Mysql docker images and Fixed monitring (#14)
  • 6877108a Update
  • 1f84a5da Start next dev cycle
  • 2f1e4b7d Prepare release 0.1.0-beta.0
  • dce1e88e Add release script
  • 60ed55cb Rename ms-operator to my-operator (#13)
  • 5451d166 Fix Analytics and pass client-id as ENV to Snapshot Job (#12)
  • 788ae178 update docker image validation (#11)
  • c966efd5 Add docker-registry and WorkQueue (#10)
  • be340103 Set client id for analytics (#9)
  • ca11f683 Fix CRD Registration (#8)
  • 2f95c13d Update issue repo link
  • 6fffa713 Update pkg paths to kubedb org (#7)
  • 2d4d5c44 Assign default Prometheus Monitoring Port (#6)
  • a7595613 Add Snapshot Backup, Restore and Backup-Scheduler (#4)
  • 17a782c6 Update Dockerfile
  • e92bfec9 Add mysql-util docker image (#5)
  • 2a4b25ac Mysql db - Inititalizing (#2)
  • cbfbc878 Update
  • 01cab651 Update
  • 0aa81cdf Use client-go 5.x
  • 3de10d7f Update ./hack folder (#3)
  • 46f05b1f Add skeleton for mysql (#1)
  • 73147dba Merge commit ‘be70502b4993171bbad79d2ff89a9844f1c24caa’ as ‘hack/libbuild’





  • bbf810c Prepare for release v0.1.0-beta.1 (#23)
  • 5a6e361 include Makefile.env (#22)
  • 2d52d66 Update License (#21)
  • 33305d5 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#20)
  • b443a55 Update ci.yml
  • d3bedc9 Update
  • d9100ec Update
  • 9b86bda Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#19)
  • 3362cef Update .kodiak.toml
  • 11ebebd Use POSTGRES_TAG v0.14.0-alpha.0
  • dbe95b5 Various fixes (#18)
  • c50c65d Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#17)
  • 483fa43 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3
  • c0fa8e4 Create .kodiak.toml
  • 5e33801 Use CRD v1 for Kubernetes >= 1.16 (#16)
  • ef7fe47 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#15)
  • 063339f Fix e2e tests (#14)
  • 7cd92ba Update crazy-max/ghaction-docker-buildx flag
  • e7a47a5 Revendor (#13)
  • 9d00916 Use updated operator labels in e2e tests (#12)
  • 778924a Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
  • 77be6b9 Update
  • a9decb9 Use[email protected] (#11)
  • cd4d272 Fix build
  • b21b1a1 Revendor and update enterprise sidecar image (#10)
  • 463f7bc Update enterprise operator tag (#9)
  • 6e01588 Use kubedb/installer master branch in CI
  • 88b98a4 Update pgbouncer controller (#8)
  • a6b71bc Update variable names
  • 1a6794b Fix plain text secret in exporter container of StatefulSet (#5)
  • ab104a9 Update client-go to kubernetes-1.16.3 (#7)
  • 68dbb14 Use charts to install operator (#6)
  • 30e3e72 Add add-license make target
  • 6c1a78a Enable e2e tests in GitHub actions (#4)
  • 0960f80 Initial implementation (#2)
  • a8a9b1d Update go.yml
  • bc3b262 Enable GitHub actions
  • 2e33db2 Clone kubedb/postgres repo (#1)
  • 45a7cac Merge commit ‘f78de886ed657650438f99574c3b002dd3607497’ as ‘hack/libbuild’





  • 2ed7d0e8 Prepare for release v0.1.0-beta.1 (#26)
  • 3b5ee481 Update for release [email protected] (#25)
  • 92b04b33 include Makefile.env (#24)
  • eace7e26 Update for release [email protected] (#23)
  • 0c647c01 Update License (#22)
  • 3c1b41be Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#21)
  • dfa95bb8 Update ci.yml
  • 87390932 Update
  • 772a0c6a Update
  • a3b2ae92 Add script to update release tracker on pr merge (#20)
  • 7578cae3 Update .kodiak.toml
  • 4ba876bc Update operator tags
  • 399aa60b Various fixes (#19)
  • 7235b0c5 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#18)
  • 427c1f21 Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3
  • 1ac8da55 Create .kodiak.toml
  • 3243d446 Use CRD v1 for Kubernetes >= 1.16 (#17)
  • 4f5bea8d Update to Kubernetes v1.18.3 (#16)
  • a0d2611a Fix e2e tests (#15)
  • 987fbf60 Update crazy-max/ghaction-docker-buildx flag
  • c2fad78e Use updated operator labels in e2e tests (#14)
  • c5a01db8 Revendor (#13)
  • 756c8f8f Trigger the workflow on push or pull request
  • fdf84e27 Update
  • 9075b453 Use[email protected] (#12)
  • f4d1c024 Matrix Tests on Github Actions (#11)
  • 4e021072 Update mount path for custom config (#8)
  • b0922173 Enable ProxySQL monitoring (#6)
  • 70be4e67 ProxySQL test for MySQL (#4)
  • 0a444b9e Use charts to install operator (#7)
  • a51fbb51 ProxySQL operator for MySQL databases (#2)
  • 883fa437 Update go.yml
  • 2c0cf51c Enable GitHub actions
  • 52e15cd2 percona-xtradb -> proxysql (#1)
  • dc71bffe Revendor
  • 71957d40 Rename from perconaxtradb to percona-xtradb (#10)
  • b526ccd8 Set database version in AppBinding (#7)
  • 336e7203 Percona XtraDB Cluster support (#9)
  • 71a42f7a Don’t set annotation to AppBinding (#8)
  • 282298cb Fix UpsertDatabaseAnnotation() function (#4)
  • 2ab9dddf Add license header to Makefiles (#6)
  • df135c08 Add install, uninstall and purge command in Makefile (#3)
  • 73d3a845 Update .gitignore
  • 59a4e754 Add Makefile (#2)
  • f3551ddc Rename package path (#1)
  • 56a241d6 Use explicit IP whitelist instead of automatic IP whitelist (#151)
  • 9f0b5ca3 Update to k8s 1.14.0 client libraries using go.mod (#147)
  • 73ad7c30 Update changelog
  • ccc36b5c Update
  • 9769e8e1 Start next dev cycle
  • a3fa468a Prepare release 0.5.0
  • 6d8862de Mysql Group Replication tests (#146)
  • 49544e55 Mysql Group Replication (#144)
  • a85d4b44 Revendor dependencies
  • 9c538460 Changed Role to exclude psp without name (#143)
  • 6cace93b Modify mutator validator names (#142)
  • da0c19b9 Update changelog
  • b79c80d6 Start next dev cycle
  • 838d9459 Prepare release 0.4.0
  • bf0f2c14 Added PSP names and init container image in testing framework (#141)
  • 3d227570 Added PSP support for mySQL (#137)
  • 7b766657 Don’t inherit labels from CRD into offshoots (#140)
  • 29e23470 Support for init container (#139)
  • 3e1556f6 Add role label to stats service (#138)
  • ee078af9 Update changelog
  • 978f1139 Update Kubernetes client libraries to 1.13.0 release (#136)
  • 821f23d1 Start next dev cycle
  • 678b26aa Prepare release 0.3.0
  • 40ad7a23 Initial RBAC support: create and use K8s service account for MySQL (#134)
  • 98f03387 Revendor dependencies (#135)
  • dfe92615 Revendor dependencies : Retry Failed Scheduler Snapshot (#133)
  • 71f8a350 Added ephemeral StorageType support (#132)
  • 0a6b6e46 Added support of MySQL 8.0.14 (#131)
  • 99e57a9e Use PVC spec from snapshot if provided (#130)
  • 61497be6 Revendored and updated tests for ‘Prevent prefix matching of multiple snapshots’ (#129)
  • 7eafe088 Add certificate health checker (#128)
  • 973ec416 Update E2E test: Env update is not restricted anymore (#127)
  • 339975ff Fix AppBinding (#126)
  • 62050a72 Update changelog
  • 2d454043 Prepare release 0.2.0
  • 6941ea59 Reuse event recorder (#125)
  • b77e66c4 OSM binary upgraded in mysql-tools (#123)
  • c9228086 Revendor dependencies (#124)
  • 97837120 Test for faulty snapshot (#122)
  • c3e995b6 Start next dev cycle
  • 8a4f3b13 Prepare release 0.2.0-rc.2
  • 79942191 Upgrade database secret keys (#121)
  • 1747fdf5 Ignore mutation of fields to default values during update (#120)
  • d902d588 Support configuration options for exporter sidecar (#119)
  • dd7c3f44 Use flags.DumpAll (#118)
  • bc1ef05b Start next dev cycle
  • 9d33c1a0 Prepare release 0.2.0-rc.1
  • b076e141 Apply cleanup (#117)
  • 7dc5641f Set periodic analytics (#116)
  • 90ea6acc Introduce AppBinding support (#115)
  • a882d76a Fix Analytics (#114)
  • 0961009c Error out from cron job for deprecated dbversion (#113)
  • da1f4e27 Add CRDs without observation when operator starts (#112)
  • 0a754d2f Update changelog
  • b09bc6e1 Start next dev cycle
  • 0d467ccb Prepare release 0.2.0-rc.0
  • c757007a Merge commit ‘cc6607a3589a79a5e61bb198d370ea0ae30b9d09’
  • ddfe4be1 Support custom user passowrd for backup (#111)
  • 8c84ba20 Support providing resources for monitoring container (#110)
  • 7bcfbc48 Update kubernetes client libraries to 1.12.0 (#109)
  • 145bba2b Add validation webhook xray (#108)
  • 6da1887f Various Fixes (#107)
  • 111519e9 Merge ports from service template (#105)
  • 38147ef1 Replace doNotPause with TerminationPolicy = DoNotTerminate (#104)
  • e28ebc47 Pass resources to NamespaceValidator (#103)
  • aed12bf5 Various fixes (#102)
  • 3d372ef6 Support Livecycle hook and container probes (#101)
  • b6ef6887 Check if Kubernetes version is supported before running operator (#100)
  • d89e7783 Update package alias (#99)
  • f0b44b3a Start next dev cycle
  • a79ff03b Prepare release 0.2.0-beta.1
  • 0d8d3cca Revendor api (#98)
  • 2f850243 Fix tests (#97)
  • 4ced0bfe Revendor api for catalog apigroup (#96)
  • e7695400 Update chanelog
  • 8e358aea Use –pull flag with docker build (#20) (#95)
  • d2a97d90 Merge commit ‘16c769ee4686576f172a6b79a10d25bfd79ca4a4’
  • d1fe8a8a Start next dev cycle
  • 04eb9bb5 Prepare release 0.2.0-beta.0
  • 9dfea960 Pass extra args to (#93)
  • 47dd3cad Don’t try to wipe out Snapshot data for Local backend (#92)
  • 9c4d485b Add missing alt-tag docker folder mysql-tools images (#91)
  • be72f784 Use suffix for updated DBImage & Stop working for deprecated *Versions (#90)
  • 05c8f14d Search used secrets within same namespace of DB object (#89)
  • 0d94c946 Support Termination Policy (#88)
  • 8775ddf7 Update
  • 796c93da Revendor (#87)
  • 5a1e3f57 Revendor kubernetes-1.11.3 (#86)
  • 809a3c49 Support UpdateStrategy (#84)
  • 372c52ef Add TerminationPolicy for databases (#83)
  • c01b55e8 Revendor api (#82)
  • 5e196b95 Use IntHash as status.observedGeneration (#81)
  • 2da3bb1b fix github status (#80)
  • 121d0a98 Update pipeline (#79)
  • 532e3137 Fix E2E test for minikube (#78)
  • 0f107815 Update pipeline (#77)
  • 851679e2 Migrate MySQL (#75)
  • 0b997855 Use official exporter image (#74)
  • 702d5736 Fix uninstall for concourse (#70)
  • 9ee88bd2 Update status.ObservedGeneration for failure phase (#73)
  • 559cdb6a Keep track of ObservedGenerationHash (#72)
  • 61c8b898 Use NewObservableHandler (#71)
  • 421274dc Merge commit ‘887037c7e36289e3135dda99346fccc7e2ce303b’
  • 6a41d9bc Fix uninstall for concourse (#69)
  • f1af09db Update
  • bf3f1823 Revise immutable spec fields (#68)
  • 26adec3b Merge commit ‘5f83049fc01dc1d0709ac0014d6f3a0f74a39417’
  • 31a97820 Support passing args via PodTemplate (#67)
  • 60f4ee23 Introduce storageType : ephemeral (#66)
  • bfd3fcd6 Add support for running tests on cncf cluster (#63)
  • fba47b19 Merge commit ’e010cbb302c8d59d4cf69dd77085b046ff423b78’
  • 6be96ce0 Revendor api (#65)
  • 0f629ab3 Keep track of observedGeneration in status (#64)
  • c9a9596f Separate StatsService for monitoring (#62)
  • 62854641 Use MySQLVersion for MySQL images (#61)
  • 3c170c56 Use updated crd spec (#60)
  • 873c285e Rename OffshootLabels to OffshootSelectors (#59)
  • 2fd02169 Revendor api (#58)
  • a127d6cd Use kmodules monitoring and objectstore api (#57)
  • 2f79a038 Support custom configuration (#52)
  • 49c67f00 Merge commit ‘44e6d4985d93556e39ddcc4677ada5437fc5be64’
  • fb28bc6c Refactor concourse scripts (#56)
  • 4de4ced1 Fix command ./hack/ test e2e (#55)
  • 3082123e Set generated binary name to my-operator (#54)
  • 5698f314 Don’t add admission/v1beta1 group as a prioritized version (#53)
  • 696135d5 Fix travis build (#48)
  • c519ef89 Format shell script (#51)
  • c93e2f40 Enable status subresource for crds (#50)
  • edd951ca Update client-go to v8.0.0 (#49)
  • 520597a6 Merge commit ‘71850e2c90cda8fc588b7dedb340edf3d316baea’
  • f1549e95 Support ENV variables in CRDs (#46)
  • 67f37780 Updated osm version to 0.7.1 (#47)
  • 10e309c0 Prepare release 0.1.0
  • 62a8fbbd Fixed missing error return (#45)
  • 8c05bb83 Revendor dependencies (#44)
  • ca811a2e Fix release script (#43)
  • b79541f6 Add changelog (#42)
  • a2d13c82 Concourse (#41)
  • 95b2186e Fixed kubeconfig plugin for Cloud Providers && Storage is required for MySQL (#40)
  • 37762093 Refactored E2E testing to support E2E testing with admission webhook in cloud (#38)
  • b6fe72ca Remove lost+found directory before initializing mysql (#39)
  • 18ebb959 Skip delete requests for empty resources (#37)
  • eeb7add0 Don’t panic if admission options is nil (#36)
  • ccb59db0 Disable admission controllers for webhook server (#35)
  • b1c6c149 Separate ApiGroup for Mutating and Validating webhook && upgraded osm to 0.7.0 (#34)
  • b1890f7c Update client-go to 7.0.0 (#33)
  • 08c81726 Added update script for mysql-tools:8 (#32)
  • 4bbe6c9f Added support of mysql:5.7 (#31)
  • e657f512 Add support for one informer and N-eventHandler for snapshot, dromantDB and Job (#30)
  • bbcd48d6 Use metrics from kube apiserver (#29)
  • 1687e197 Bundle webhook server and Use SharedInformerFactory (#28)
  • cd0efc00 Move MySQL AdmissionWebhook packages into MySQL repository (#27)
  • 46065e18 Use mysql:8.0.3 image as mysql:8.0 (#26)
  • 1b73529f Update
  • 62eaa397 Update
  • c53704c7 Remove Docker pull count
  • b9ec877e Add travis yaml (#25)
  • ade3571c Start next dev cycle
  • b4b749df Prepare release 0.1.0-beta.2
  • 4d46d95d Migrating to apps/v1 (#23)
  • 5ee1ac8c Update validation (#22)
  • dd023c50 Fix dormantDB matching: pass same type to Equal method (#21)
  • 37a1e4fd Use official code generator scripts (#20)
  • 485d3d7c Fixed dormantdb matching & Raised throttling time & Fixed MySQL version Checking (#19)
  • 6db2ae8d Prepare release 0.1.0-beta.1
  • ebbfec2f converted to k8s 1.9 & Improved InitSpec in DormantDB & Added support for Job watcher & Improved Tests (#17)
  • a484e0e5 Fixed logger, analytics and removed rbac stuff (#16)
  • 7aa2d1d2 Add rbac stuffs for mysql-exporter (#15)
  • 078098c8 Review Mysql docker images and Fixed monitring (#14)
  • 6877108a Update
  • 1f84a5da Start next dev cycle
  • 2f1e4b7d Prepare release 0.1.0-beta.0
  • dce1e88e Add release script
  • 60ed55cb Rename ms-operator to my-operator (#13)
  • 5451d166 Fix Analytics and pass client-id as ENV to Snapshot Job (#12)
  • 788ae178 update docker image validation (#11)
  • c966efd5 Add docker-registry and WorkQueue (#10)
  • be340103 Set client id for analytics (#9)
  • ca11f683 Fix CRD Registration (#8)
  • 2f95c13d Update issue repo link
  • 6fffa713 Update pkg paths to kubedb org (#7)
  • 2d4d5c44 Assign default Prometheus Monitoring Port (#6)
  • a7595613 Add Snapshot Backup, Restore and Backup-Scheduler (#4)
  • 17a782c6 Update Dockerfile
  • e92bfec9 Add mysql-util docker image (#5)
  • 2a4b25ac Mysql db - Inititalizing (#2)
  • cbfbc878 Update
  • 01cab651 Update
  • 0aa81cdf Use client-go 5.x
  • 3de10d7f Update ./hack folder (#3)
  • 46f05b1f Add skeleton for mysql (#1)
  • 73147dba Merge commit ‘be70502b4993171bbad79d2ff89a9844f1c24caa’ as ‘hack/libbuild’

