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Using Custom Configuration File
KubeDB supports providing custom configuration for ProxySQL. This tutorial will show you how to use KubeDB to run a ProxySQL with custom configuration.
Before You Begin
At first, you need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using kind.
Now, install KubeDB cli on your workstation and KubeDB operator in your cluster following the steps here.
To keep things isolated, this tutorial uses a separate namespace called
throughout this tutorial.$ kubectl create ns demo namespace/demo created $ kubectl get ns demo NAME STATUS AGE demo Active 5s
Note: YAML files used in this tutorial are stored in docs/examples/proxysql folder in GitHub repository kubedb/docs.
ProxySQL allows to configure via configuration file. The default configuration for ProxySQL can be found in /etc/proxysql.cnf
file. In our Docker image (for ProxySQL), we used the file /etc/configuration/custom-proxysql.cnf
as the custom configuration file. The procedure is such that if the configuration file exist, ProxySQL instance will use combined startup settings from both /etc/proxysql.cnf
and /etc/configuration/custom-proxysql.cnf
files. This custom configuration will overwrite the existing default one. For example config file:
To know more about configuring ProxySQL see configuration file and variables.
At first, you have to create a config file with name custom-proxysql.cnf
containing your desired configurations. Then you have to put this file into a volume. You have to specify this volume in .spec.configSecret
section while creating ProxySQL object. KubeDB will mount this volume into /etc/custom-config
directory of the ProxySQL Pod.
In this tutorial, we will configure mysql-connect_timeout_server via the custom-proxysql.cnf
file. We will use configMap as volume source.
Custom Configuration
At first, let’s create custom-proxysql.cnf
file setting mysql-connect_timeout_server
Note: We recommend to include the line
here in themysql_variables
block. Though without this line, ProxySQL will work fine but we recommend to include it. The important thing you should keep in mind here is that never change the credential for admin interface for current version of ProxySQL image. It must beadmin:admin
(: ).
cat <<EOF > custom-proxysql.cnf
$ cat custom-proxysql.cnf
Here, connect_timeout_server
is set to 20 secondes in mili-second.
Now, create a configMap with this configuration file.
$ kubectl create configmap -n demo my-custom-config --from-file=./custom-proxysql.cnf
configmap/my-custom-config created
Verify the config map has the configuration file.
$ kubectl get configmap -n demo my-custom-config -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
my-config.cnf: |
kind: ConfigMap
name: my-custom-config
namespace: demo
Note: For this tutorial there must be a MySQL object with name
(Group Replication supported) running in thedemo
namespace in the cluster. You can deploy one by following section create MySQL object with Group Replication.
Now, create ProxySQL object specifying .spec.configSecret
$ kubectl apply -f created
Below is the YAML for the ProxySQL object we just created.
kind: ProxySQL
name: custom-proxysql
namespace: demo
version: "2.0.4"
replicas: 1
mode: GroupReplication
apiGroup: ""
kind: MySQL
name: my-group
replicas: 3
name: my-custom-config
Now, wait a few minutes. KubeDB operator will create necessary statefulset, services, secret etc. If everything goes well, we will see that a Pod with the name custom-proxysql-0
has been created.
Check that the StatefulSet’s Pod is running
$ kubectl get pod -n demo
custom-proxysql-0 1/1 Running 0 44s
Check the Pod’s log,
$ kubectl logs -f -n demo custom-proxysql-0
2019/11/28 15:58:41 [] [INFO] Applying custom config using cmd 'proxysql -c /etc/configuration/custom-proxysql.cnf --reload -f &'
2019/11/28 15:58:41 [] [INFO] Configuring proxysql ...
2019/11/28 15:58:41 [] [] From
2019/11/28 15:58:41 [] [INFO] Provided peers are
2019/11/28 15:58:41 [] [INFO] Waiting for host to be online ...
2019-11-28 15:58:41 [INFO] Using config file /etc/configuration/custom-proxysql.cnf
2019-11-28 15:58:41 [INFO] No SSL keys/certificates found in datadir (/). Generating new keys/certificates.
Now, we will check if the ProxySQL has started with the custom configuration we have provided.
kubectl exec -it -n demo custom-proxysql-0 -- mysql -uadmin -padmin -h127.0.0.1 -P6032 --prompt="ProxySQL [Admin]> "
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 7
Server version: 5.5.30 (ProxySQL Admin Module)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
ProxySQL [Admin]> show global variables;
| Variable_name | Value |
| admin-admin_credentials | admin:admin |
| admin-checksum_mysql_query_rules | true |
| admin-checksum_mysql_servers | true |
| admin-checksum_mysql_users | true |
| admin-mysql_ifaces | |
| mysql-connect_timeout_server | 20000 |
| mysql-monitor_username | proxysql |
146 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Cleaning up
To cleanup the Kubernetes resources created by this tutorial, run:
$ kubectl delete proxysql -n demo custom-proxysql
$ kubectl delete configmap my-custom-config -n demo
$ rm ./custom-proxysql.cnf
$ kubectl delete my -n demo my-group
$ kubectl delete ns demo
If you would like to uninstall KubeDB operator, please follow the steps here.
Next Steps
- Monitor ProxySQL with KubeDB using out-of-the-box builtin-Prometheus.
- Monitor ProxySQL with KubeDB using out-of-the-box Prometheus operator.
- Use private Docker registry to deploy ProxySQL with KubeDB here.
- Detail concepts of ProxySQL CRD here.
- Detail concepts of ProxySQLVersion CRD here.
- Want to hack on KubeDB? Check our contribution guidelines.