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Running PostgreSQL

This tutorial will show you how to use KubeDB to run a PostgreSQL database.


Before You Begin

At first, you need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using kind.

Now, install KubeDB cli on your workstation and KubeDB operator in your cluster following the steps here.

To keep things isolated, this tutorial uses a separate namespace called demo throughout this tutorial.

$ kubectl create ns demo
namespace/demo created

Note: YAML files used in this tutorial are stored in docs/examples/postgres folder in GitHub repository kubedb/docs.

We have designed this tutorial to demonstrate a production setup of KubeDB managed PostgreSQL. If you just want to try out KubeDB, you can bypass some of the safety features following the tips here.

Install pgAdmin

This tutorial will also use a pgAdmin to connect and test PostgreSQL database, once it is running.

Run the following command to install pgAdmin,

$ kubectl create -f
deployment.apps/pgadmin created
service/pgadmin created

$ kubectl get pods -n demo --watch
NAME                      READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
pgadmin-5b4b96779-lfpfh   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          1m
pgadmin-5b4b96779-lfpfh   1/1       Running   0         2m

Now, you can open pgAdmin on your browser using following address http://<cluster ip>:<NodePort of pgadmin service>.

If you are using minikube then open pgAdmin in your browser by running minikube service pgadmin -n demo. Or you can get the URL of Service pgadmin by running following command

$ minikube service pgadmin -n demo --url

To log into the pgAdmin, use username admin and password admin.

Find Available StorageClass

We will have to provide StorageClass in Postgres crd specification. Check available StorageClass in your cluster using following command,

$ kubectl get storageclass
NAME                 PROVISIONER                AGE
standard (default)   5h

Here, we have standard StorageClass in our cluster.

Find Available PostgresVersion

When you have installed KubeDB, it has created PostgresVersion crd for all supported PostgreSQL versions. Let’s check available PostgresVersions by,

$ kubectl get postgresversions
NAME       VERSION   DB_IMAGE                   DEPRECATED   AGE
10.2       10.2      kubedb/postgres:10.2       true         54m
10.2-v1    10.2      kubedb/postgres:10.2-v2    true         54m
10.2-v2    10.2      kubedb/postgres:10.2-v3                 54m
10.2-v3    10.2      kubedb/postgres:10.2-v4                 54m
10.2-v4    10.2      kubedb/postgres:10.2-v5                 54m
10.2-v5    10.2      kubedb/postgres:10.2-v6                 54m
10.6       10.6      kubedb/postgres:10.6                    54m
10.6-v1    10.6      kubedb/postgres:10.6-v1                 54m
10.6-v2    10.6      kubedb/postgres:10.6-v2                 54m
10.6-v3    10.6      kubedb/postgres:10.6-v3                 54m
11.1       11.1      kubedb/postgres:11.1                    54m
11.1-v1    11.1      kubedb/postgres:11.1-v1                 54m
11.1-v2    11.1      kubedb/postgres:11.1-v2                 54m
11.1-v3    11.1      kubedb/postgres:11.1-v3                 54m
11.2       11.2      kubedb/postgres:11.2                    54m
11.2-v1    11.2      kubedb/postgres:11.2-v1                 54m
9.6        9.6       kubedb/postgres:9.6        true         54m
9.6-v1     9.6       kubedb/postgres:9.6-v2     true         54m
9.6-v2     9.6       kubedb/postgres:9.6-v3                  54m
9.6-v3     9.6       kubedb/postgres:9.6-v4                  54m
9.6-v4     9.6       kubedb/postgres:9.6-v5                  54m
9.6-v5     9.6       kubedb/postgres:9.6-v6                  54m
9.6.7      9.6.7     kubedb/postgres:9.6.7      true         54m
9.6.7-v1   9.6.7     kubedb/postgres:9.6.7-v2   true         54m
9.6.7-v2   9.6.7     kubedb/postgres:9.6.7-v3                54m
9.6.7-v3   9.6.7     kubedb/postgres:9.6.7-v4                54m
9.6.7-v4   9.6.7     kubedb/postgres:9.6.7-v5                54m
9.6.7-v5   9.6.7     kubedb/postgres:9.6.7-v6                54m

Notice the DEPRECATED column. Here, true means that this PostgresVersion is deprecated for current KubeDB version. KubeDB will not work for deprecated PostgresVersion.

In this tutorial, we will use 10.2-v5 PostgresVersion crd to create PostgreSQL database. To know more about what is PostgresVersion crd and why there is 10.2 and 10.2-v5 variation, please visit here. You can also see supported PostgresVersion here.

Create a PostgreSQL database

KubeDB implements a Postgres CRD to define the specification of a PostgreSQL database.

Below is the Postgres object created in this tutorial.

kind: Postgres
  name: quick-postgres
  namespace: demo
  version: "10.2-v5"
  storageType: Durable
    storageClassName: "standard"
    - ReadWriteOnce
        storage: 1Gi
  terminationPolicy: DoNotTerminate


  • spec.version is name of the PostgresVersion crd where the docker images are specified. In this tutorial, a PostgreSQL 10.2 database is created.
  • spec.storageType specifies the type of storage that will be used for Postgres database. It can be Durable or Ephemeral. Default value of this field is Durable. If Ephemeral is used then KubeDB will create Postgres database using EmptyDir volume. In this case, you don’t have to specify field. This is useful for testing purposes.
  • specifies the size and StorageClass of PVC that will be dynamically allocated to store data for this database. This storage spec will be passed to the StatefulSet created by KubeDB operator to run database pods. You can specify any StorageClass available in your cluster with appropriate resource requests. If you don’t specify spec.storageType: Ephemeral, then this field is required.
  • spec.terminationPolicy specifies what KubeDB should do when user try to delete Postgres crd. Termination policy DoNotTerminate prevents a user from deleting this object if admission webhook is enabled.

Note: section is used to create PVC for database pod. It will create PVC with storage size specified instorage.resources.requests field. Don’t specify limits here. PVC does not get resized automatically.

Let’s create Postgres crd,

$ kubectl create -f created

KubeDB operator watches for Postgres objects using Kubernetes api. When a Postgres object is created, KubeDB operator will create a new StatefulSet and two ClusterIP Service with the matching name. KubeDB operator will also create a governing service for StatefulSet with the name kubedb, if one is not already present.

If you are using RBAC enabled cluster, PostgreSQL specific RBAC permission is required. For details, please visit here.

KubeDB operator sets the status.phase to Running once the database is successfully created.

$  kubectl get pg -n demo quick-postgres -o wide
NAME             VERSION   STATUS     AGE
quick-postgres   10.2-v5   Creating   13s

Let’s describe Postgres object quick-postgres

$ kubectl dba describe pg -n demo quick-postgres
Name:               quick-postgres
Namespace:          demo
CreationTimestamp:  Thu, 07 Feb 2019 17:03:11 +0600
Labels:             <none>
Annotations:        <none>
Replicas:           1  total
Status:             Running
  StorageType:      Durable
  StorageClass:  standard
  Capacity:      1Gi
  Access Modes:  RWO

  Name:               quick-postgres
  CreationTimestamp:  Thu, 07 Feb 2019 17:03:11 +0600
  Annotations:        <none>
  Replicas:           824641589664 desired | 1 total
  Pods Status:        1 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed

  Name:         quick-postgres
  Annotations:  <none>
  Type:         ClusterIP
  Port:         api  5432/TCP
  TargetPort:   api/TCP

  Name:         quick-postgres-replicas
  Annotations:  <none>
  Type:         ClusterIP
  Port:         api  5432/TCP
  TargetPort:   api/TCP

Database Secret:
  Name:         quick-postgres-auth
  Annotations:  <none>
Type:  Opaque
  POSTGRES_USER:      8 bytes

  Type     Pod               StartTime                      Phase
  ----     ---               ---------                      -----
  primary  quick-postgres-0  2019-02-07 17:03:12 +0600 +06  Running

No Snapshots.

  Type    Reason      Age   From             Message
  ----    ------      ----  ----             -------
  Normal  Successful  51s   KubeDB operator  Successfully created Service
  Normal  Successful  51s   KubeDB operator  Successfully created Service
  Normal  Successful  25s   KubeDB operator  Successfully created StatefulSet
  Normal  Successful  25s   KubeDB operator  Successfully created Postgres
  Normal  Successful  25s   KubeDB operator  Successfully created appbinding
  Normal  Successful  25s   KubeDB operator  Successfully patched StatefulSet
  Normal  Successful  25s   KubeDB operator  Successfully patched Postgres

KubeDB has created two services for the Postgres object.

$ kubectl get service -n demo,
NAME                      TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
quick-postgres            ClusterIP   <none>        5432/TCP   3m
quick-postgres-replicas   ClusterIP   <none>        5432/TCP   3m


  • Service quick-postgres targets only one Pod which is acting as primary server
  • Service quick-postgres-replicas targets all Pods created by StatefulSet

KubeDB supports PostgreSQL clustering where Pod can be either primary or standby. To learn how to configure highly available PostgreSQL cluster, click here.

Here, we have created a PostgreSQL database with single node, primary only.

Connect with PostgreSQL database

KubeDB operator has created a new Secret called quick-postgres-auth for storing the username and password for postgres database.

 $ kubectl get secret -n demo quick-postgres-auth -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: 2018-09-03T11:25:39Z
  labels: Postgres quick-postgres
  name: quick-postgres-auth
  namespace: demo
  resourceVersion: "1677"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/demo/secrets/quick-postgres-auth
  uid: 15b3e8a1-af6c-11e8-996d-0800270d7bae
type: Opaque

This secret contains superuser name for postgres database as POSTGRES_USER key and password as POSTGRES_PASSWORD key. By default, superuser name is postgres and password is randomly generated.

If you want to use custom password, please create the secret manually and specify that when creating the Postgres object using For more details see here.

Note: Auth Secret name format: {postgres-name}-auth

Now, you can connect to this database from the pgAdmin dashboard using quick-postgres.demo service and username and password created in quick-postgres-auth secret.

Connection information:

  • Host name/address: you can use any of these

    • Service: quick-postgres.demo
    • Pod IP: ($ kubectl get pods quick-postgres-0 -n demo -o yaml | grep podIP)
  • Port: 5432

  • Maintenance database: postgres

  • Username: Run following command to get username,

    $ kubectl get secrets -n demo quick-postgres-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.\POSTGRES_USER}' | base64 -d
  • Password: Run the following command to get password,

    $ kubectl get secrets -n demo quick-postgres-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.\POSTGRES_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d

Now, go to pgAdmin dashboard and connect to the database using the connection information as shown below,


Halt Database

KubeDB takes advantage of ValidationWebhook feature in Kubernetes 1.9.0 or later clusters to implement DoNotTerminate termination policy. If admission webhook is enabled, it prevents user from deleting the database as long as the spec.terminationPolicy is set DoNotTerminate.

In this tutorial, Postgres quick-postgres is created with spec.terminationPolicy: DoNotTerminate. So if you try to delete this Postgres object, admission webhook will nullify the delete operation.

$  kubectl delete pg -n demo quick-postgres
Error from server (BadRequest): admission webhook "" denied the request: postgres "quick-postgres" can't be halted. To delete, change spec.terminationPolicy

To halt the database, we have to set spec.terminationPolicy: to Halt by updating it,

$ kubectl edit pg -n demo quick-postgres
  terminationPolicy: Halt

Now, if you delete the Postgres object, KubeDB operator will create a matching DormantDatabase object. This DormantDatabase object can be used to resume the database. KubeDB operator will delete the StatefulSet and its Pods but leaves the Secret, PVCs unchanged.

Let’s delete the Postgres object,

$ kubectl delete pg -n demo quick-postgres "quick-postgres" deleted

Check DormantDatabase has been created successfully,

$ kubectl get drmn -n demo quick-postgres
NAME             STATUS    AGE
quick-postgres   Halted    5m

In KubeDB parlance, we say that Postgres quick-postgres has entered into the dormant state.

Let’s see, what we have in this DormantDatabase object

$ kubectl get drmn -n demo quick-postgres -o yaml
kind: DormantDatabase
  creationTimestamp: "2019-02-07T11:05:44Z"
  generation: 1
  labels: Postgres
  name: quick-postgres
  namespace: demo
  resourceVersion: "39020"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: 50a9c42e-2ac8-11e9-9d44-080027154f61
      creationTimestamp: "2019-02-07T11:03:11Z"
      name: quick-postgres
      namespace: demo
          name: quick-postgres-auth
          leaseDurationSeconds: 15
          renewDeadlineSeconds: 10
          retryPeriodSeconds: 2
          controller: {}
          metadata: {}
            resources: {}
        replicas: 1
          metadata: {}
          spec: {}
          - ReadWriteOnce
          dataSource: null
              storage: 1Gi
          storageClassName: standard
        storageType: Durable
        terminationPolicy: Halt
        version: 10.2-v5
  observedGeneration: 1$8378748355133368567
  pausingTime: "2019-02-07T11:05:56Z"
  phase: Halted


  • spec.origin contains original Postgres object.
  • status.phase points to the current database state Halted.

Resume DormantDatabase

To resume the database from the dormant state, create same Postgres object with same Spec.

In this tutorial, the DormantDatabase quick-postgres can be resumed by creating original Postgres object.

Let’s create the original Postgres object,

$ kubectl create -f created

This will resume the previous database. All data that was inserted in previous database will be available again.

When the database is resumed, respective DormantDatabase object will be removed. Verify that the DormantDatabase object has been removed,

$ kubectl get drmn -n demo quick-postgres
Error from server (NotFound): "quick-postgres" not found

WipeOut DormantDatabase

You can wipe out a DormantDatabase while deleting the object by setting spec.wipeOut to true. KubeDB operator will delete any relevant resources of this PostgresSQL database (i.e, PVCs, Secrets, Snapshots). It will also delete snapshot data stored in the Cloud Storage buckets.

$ kubectl edit drmn -n demo quick-postgres
  wipeOut: true

If spec.wipeOut is not set to true while deleting the dormantdatabase object, then only this object will be deleted and kubedb-operator won’t delete related Secrets, PVCs, and Snapshots. So, users still can access the stored data in the cloud storage buckets as well as PVCs.

Delete DormantDatabase

As it is already discussed above, DormantDatabase can be deleted with or without wiping out the resources. To delete the dormantdatabase,

$ kubectl delete drmn -n demo quick-postgres "quick-postgres" deleted

Cleaning up

To cleanup the Kubernetes resources created by this tutorial, run:

kubectl patch -n demo pg/quick-postgres -p '{"spec":{"terminationPolicy":"WipeOut"}}' --type="merge"
kubectl delete -n demo pg/quick-postgres

kubectl delete ns demo

Tips for Testing

If you are just testing some basic functionalities, you might want to avoid additional hassles due to some safety features that are great for production environment. You can follow these tips to avoid them.

  1. Use storageType: Ephemeral. Databases are precious. You might not want to lose your data in your production environment if database pod fail. So, we recommend to use spec.storageType: Durable and provide storage spec in section. For testing purpose, you can just use spec.storageType: Ephemeral. KubeDB will use emptyDir for storage. You will not require to provide section.
  2. Use terminationPolicy: WipeOut. It is nice to be able to resume database from previous one. So, we create DormantDatabase and preserve all your PVCs, Secrets, Snapshots etc. If you don’t want to resume database, you can just use spec.terminationPolicy: WipeOut. It will not create DormantDatabase and it will delete everything created by KubeDB for a particular Postgres crd when you delete the crd. For more details about termination policy, please visit here.

Next Steps