New to KubeDB? Please start here.
Using Custom Configuration File
KubeDB supports providing custom configuration for MongoDB. This tutorial will show you how to use KubeDB to run a MongoDB database with custom configuration.
Before You Begin
At first, you need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using kind.
Now, install KubeDB cli on your workstation and KubeDB operator in your cluster following the steps here.
To keep things isolated, this tutorial uses a separate namespace called
throughout this tutorial. Run the following command to prepare your cluster for this tutorial:$ kubectl create ns demo namespace/demo created
Note: The yaml files used in this tutorial are stored in docs/examples/mongodb folder in GitHub repository kubedb/docs.
MongoDB allows configuring database via configuration file. The default configuration file for MongoDB deployed by KubeDB
can be found in /data/configdb/mongod.conf
. When MongoDB starts, it will look for custom configuration file in /configdb-readonly/mongod.conf
. If configuration file exist, this custom configuration will overwrite the existing default one.
To learn available configuration option of MongoDB see Configuration File Options.
At first, you have to create a secret with your configuration file contents as the value of this key mongod.conf
. Then, you have to specify the name of this secret in
section while creating MongoDB crd. KubeDB will mount this secret into /configdb-readonly/
directory of the database pod.
Here one important thing to note that,
will be used for standard replicaset members & standalone mongodb only. If you want to configure a specific type of mongo nodes, you have to set the name in respective fields.
For example, to configure shard topology node, set spec.shardTopology.<shard / configServer / mongos>
Similarly, To configure arbiter node, set
In this tutorial, we will configure net.maxIncomingConnections (default value: 65536) via a custom config file.
Custom Configuration
At first, create mongod.conf
file containing required configuration settings.
$ cat mongod.conf
maxIncomingConnections: 10000
Here, maxIncomingConnections
is set to 10000
, whereas the default value is 65536.
Now, create the secret with this configuration file.
$ kubectl create secret generic -n demo mg-configuration --from-file=./mongod.conf
secret/mg-configuration created
Verify the secret has the configuration file.
$ kubectl get secret -n demo mg-configuration -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
mongod.conf: bmV0OgogIG1heEluY29taW5nQ29ubmVjdGlvbnM6IDEwMDAwMA==
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2021-02-09T12:59:50Z"
name: mg-configuration
namespace: demo
resourceVersion: "52495"
uid: 92ca4191-eb97-4274-980c-9430ab7cc5d1
type: Opaque
$ echo bmV0OgogIG1heEluY29taW5nQ29ubmVjdGlvbnM6IDEwMDAwMA== | base64 -d
maxIncomingConnections: 100000
Now, create MongoDB crd specifying spec.configSecret
kind: MongoDB
name: mgo-custom-config
namespace: demo
version: "4.4.26"
storageType: Durable
storageClassName: "standard"
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 1Gi
name: mg-configuration
$ kubectl create -f created
Now, wait a few minutes. KubeDB operator will create necessary PVC, petset, services, secret etc. If everything goes well, we will see that a pod with the name mgo-custom-config-0
has been created.
Check that the petset’s pod is running
$ kubectl get pod -n demo mgo-custom-config-0
mgo-custom-config-0 1/1 Running 0 1m
Now, we will check if the database has started with the custom configuration we have provided.
Now, you can connect to this database through mongo-shell. In this tutorial, we are connecting to the MongoDB server from inside the pod.
$ kubectl get secrets -n demo mgo-custom-config-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.\username}' | base64 -d
$ kubectl get secrets -n demo mgo-custom-config-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.\password}' | base64 -d
$ kubectl exec -it mgo-custom-config-0 -n demo sh
> mongo admin
> db.auth("root","ErialNojWParBFoP")
> db._adminCommand( {getCmdLineOpts: 1})
"argv" : [
"parsed" : {
"config" : "/data/configdb/mongod.conf",
"net" : {
"bindIp" : "*",
"ipv6" : true,
"maxIncomingConnections" : 10000,
"port" : 27017,
"tls" : {
"mode" : "disabled"
"security" : {
"authorization" : "enabled"
"storage" : {
"dbPath" : "/data/db"
"ok" : 1
> exit
As we can see from the configuration of running mongodb, the value of maxIncomingConnections
has been set to 10000 successfully.
Cleaning up
To cleanup the Kubernetes resources created by this tutorial, run:
kubectl patch -n demo mg/mgo-custom-config -p '{"spec":{"deletionPolicy":"WipeOut"}}' --type="merge"
kubectl delete -n demo mg/mgo-custom-config
kubectl delete -n demo secret mg-configuration
kubectl delete ns demo
Next Steps
- Backup and Restore MongoDB databases using Stash.
- Initialize MongoDB with Script.
- Monitor your MongoDB database with KubeDB using out-of-the-box Prometheus operator.
- Monitor your MongoDB database with KubeDB using out-of-the-box builtin-Prometheus.
- Use private Docker registry to deploy MongoDB with KubeDB.
- Use kubedb cli to manage databases like kubectl for Kubernetes.
- Detail concepts of MongoDB object.
- Detail concepts of MongoDBVersion object.
- Want to hack on KubeDB? Check our contribution guidelines.