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What is MySQLDatabase ?

MySQLDatabase is a Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRD). It provides a declarative way of implementing multitenancy inside KubeDB provisioned MySQL server. You need to describe the target database, desired database configuration, the vault server reference for managing the user in a MySQLDatabase object, and the KubeDB Schema Manager operator will create Kubernetes objects in the desired state for you.

MySQLDatabase Specification

As with all other Kubernetes objects, an MySQLDatabase needs apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields. It also needs a spec section.

kind: MySQLDatabase
  name: demo-schema
  namespace: demo
      name: mysql-server
      namespace: dev
      name: myDB
      characterSet: big5
      encryption: disable
      readOnly: 0
    name: vault
    namespace: dev
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: "tester"
        namespace: "demo"
    defaultTTL: "10m"
    initialized: false
        name: repository
        namespace: demo
      scriptPath: "etc/config"
        name: scripter
  deletionPolicy: "Delete"


spec.database is a required field specifying the database server reference and the desired database configuration. You need to specify the following fields in spec.database,

  • serverRef refers to the mysql instance where the particular schema will be applied.
  • config defines the initial configuration of the desired database.

KubeDB accepts the following fields to set in spec.database:

  • serverRef:

    • name
    • namespace
  • config:

    • name
    • characterSet
    • encryption
    • readOnly


spec.vaultRef is a required field that specifies which KubeVault server to use for user management. You need to specify the following fields in spec.vaultRef,

  • name specifies the name of the Vault server.
  • namespace refers to the namespace where the Vault server is running.


spec.accessPolicy is a required field that specifies the access permissions like which service account or cluster user have the access and for how long they can access through it. You need to specify the following fields in spec.accessPolicy,

  • subjects refers to the user or service account which is allowed to access the credentials.
  • defaultTTL specifies for how long the credential would be valid.

KubeDB accepts the following fields to set in spec.accessPolicy:

  • subjects:

    • kind
    • name
    • namespace
  • defaultTTL


spec.init is an optional field, containing the information of a script or a snapshot using which the database should be initialized during creation. You need to specify the following fields in spec.init,

  • script refers to the information regarding the .sql file which should be used for initialization.
  • snapshot carries information about the repository and snapshot_id to initialize the database by restoring the snapshot.

KubeDB accepts the following fields to set in spec.init:

  • script:

    • scriptPath accepts a directory location at which the operator should mount the .sql file.
    • volumeSource this can be either secret or configmap. The referred volume source should carry the .sql file in it.
  • snapshot:

    • repository refers to the repository cr which carries necessary information about the snapshot location .
    • snapshotId refers to the specific snapshot which should be restored .


spec.deletionPolicy is a required field that gives flexibility whether to nullify (reject) the delete operation or which resources KubeDB should keep or delete when you delete the CRD.

Next Steps

  • Learn about MySQL CRD here.
  • Deploy your first MySQL database with KubeDB by following the guide here.