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What is PgpoolAutoscaler

PgpoolAutoscaler is a Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRD). It provides a declarative configuration for autoscaling Pgpool compute resources of Pgpool components in a Kubernetes native way.

PgpoolAutoscaler CRD Specifications

Like any official Kubernetes resource, a PgpoolAutoscaler has TypeMeta, ObjectMeta, Spec and Status sections.

Here, some sample PgpoolAutoscaler CROs for autoscaling different components of pgpool is given below:

Sample PgpoolAutoscaler for pgpool:

kind: PgpoolAutoscaler
  name: pgpool-auto-scale
  namespace: demo
    name: pgpool
      trigger: "On"
      podLifeTimeThreshold: 24h
        cpu: 250m
        memory: 350Mi
        cpu: 1
        memory: 1Gi
      controlledResources: ["cpu", "memory"]
      containerControlledValues: "RequestsAndLimits"
      resourceDiffPercentage: 10

Here, we are going to describe the various sections of a PgpoolAutoscaler crd.

A PgpoolAutoscaler object has the following fields in the spec section.


spec.databaseRef is a required field that point to the Pgpool object for which the autoscaling will be performed. This field consists of the following sub-field:

  • : specifies the name of the Pgpool object.


spec.compute specifies the autoscaling configuration for the compute resources i.e. cpu and memory of Pgpool components. This field consists of the following sub-field:

  • trigger indicates if compute autoscaling is enabled for this component of the pgpool. If “On” then compute autoscaling is enabled. If “Off” then compute autoscaling is disabled.
  • minAllowed specifies the minimal amount of resources that will be recommended, default is no minimum.
  • maxAllowed specifies the maximum amount of resources that will be recommended, default is no maximum.
  • controlledResources specifies which type of compute resources (cpu and memory) are allowed for autoscaling. Allowed values are “cpu” and “memory”.
  • containerControlledValues specifies which resource values should be controlled. Allowed values are “RequestsAndLimits” and “RequestsOnly”.
  • resourceDiffPercentage specifies the minimum resource difference between recommended value and the current value in percentage. If the difference percentage is greater than this value than autoscaling will be triggered.
  • podLifeTimeThreshold specifies the minimum pod lifetime of at least one of the pods before triggering autoscaling.