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What is ProxySQL

ProxySQL is a Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRD). It provides declarative configuration for ProxySQL in a Kubernetes native way. You only need to describe the desired configurations in a ProxySQL object, and the KubeDB operator will create Kubernetes objects in the desired state for you.

ProxySQL Spec

Like any official Kubernetes resource, a ProxySQL object has TypeMeta, ObjectMeta, Spec and Status sections. Below is an example of the ProxySQL object.

kind: ProxySQL
  name: demo-proxysql
  namespace: demo
  version: "2.3.2-debian"
  replicas: 1
    name: my-group
    name: proxysql-cluster-auth
    externallyManaged: true
          release: prometheus
        interval: 10s
      - username: test
        active: 1
        default_hostgroup: 2
      restapi_enabled: true
      restapi_port: 6070
    name: my-custom-config
      kind: Issuer
      name: proxy-issuer
    - alias: server
          - kubedb:server
        - localhost
        - ""
        passMe: ToProxySQLPod
        passMe: ToPetSet
      serviceAccountName: my-service-account
      schedulerName: my-scheduler
        disktype: ssd
      - name: myregistrykey
      - name: proxysql
        - --reload
        - name: LOAD_BALANCE_MODE
          value: GroupReplication
            memory: "64Mi"
            cpu: "250m"
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "500m"
  - alias: primary
        passMe: ToService
      type: NodePort
      - name:  http
        port:  6033
  deletionPolicy: WipeOut
    failureThreshold: 3


.spec.version is a required field specifying the name of the ProxySQLVersion CRD where the docker images are specified. Currently, when you install KubeDB, it creates the following ProxySQLVersion resources,

  • 2.3.2-debian
  • 2.3.2-centos
  • 2.4.4-debian
  • 2.4.4-centos


.spec.backend specifies the information about the appbinding of the backend MySQL/PerconaXtraDB/MariaDB. The appbinding should contain the basic informations like connections url, server type , ssl infos etc. To know more about what appbinding is, you can refer to the Appbinding page in the concept section. See the api here.


.spec.authSecret is an optional field that points to a secret used to hold credentials for proxysql cluster admin user. If not set, the KubeDB operator creates a new Secret {proxysql-object-name}-auth for storing the password for proxysql cluster admin user for each ProxySQL object. If you want to use an existing secret please specify that when creating the ProxySQL object using .spec.authSecret. Turn the .spec.authSecret.extenallyManaged field true in that case.

This secret contains a username key and a password key which contains the username and password respectively for proxysql cluster admin user. The password should always be alpha-numeric. If no Secret is found, KubeDB sets the value of username key to "cluster". See the api here.

Secrets provided by users are not managed by KubeDB, and therefore, won’t be modified or garbage collected by the KubeDB operator (version 0.13.0 and higher).


$ kubectl create secret generic proxysql-cluster-auth -n demo \
--from-literal=username=cluster \
secret "proxysql-cluster-auth" created
apiVersion: v1
  password: NnE4dTJqTU9XT09aWGs=
  username: Y2x1c3Rlcg==
kind: Secret
  name: proxysql-cluster-auth
  namespace: demo
type: Opaque


ProxySQL managed by KubeDB can be monitored with builtin-Prometheus and Prometheus operator out-of-the-box. In the .spec.monitor section you can configure neccessary settings regarding monitoring. See the api here.


spec.initConfig is the field where we can set the proxysql bootstrap configuration. In ProxySQL an initial configuration file is needed to bootstrap, named proxysql.cnf. In that file you should write down all the necessary configuration related to various proxysql tables and variables in a specific format. In KubeDB ProxySQL we have eased this initial configuration setup with declarative yaml. All you need to do is to pass the configuration in the yaml in key-value format and the operator will turn that into a proxysql.cnf file with proper formatting . The proxysql.cnf file will be available in a secret with name <proxysql-crd-name>-configuration . When you change any configuration with the proxysqlOpsRequest , the secret will be auto updated with the new configuration.

.spec.initConfig contains four subsections : mysqlUsers, mysqlQueryRules, adminVariables, mysqlVariables. The detailed description is given below. See the api here.

.spec.initConfig.mysqlUsers section carries info for the mysql_users table. All the information provided through this field will eventually be used for setting up the mysql_users table inside the proxysql server. This section is an array field where each element of the array carries the necessary information for each individual users. An important note to be mentioned is that you don’t need to fill up the password field for any user. The password will be automatically fetched by the KubeDB operator from the backend server.

.spec.initConfig.mysqlQueryRulessection carries info for the mysql_query_rules table. This section is also an array field and each element of the array should be a query_rule as per proxysql accepts.

.spec.initConfig.mysqlVariables section carries all the mysql_variables info that you want to set for the proxysql. You need to mention the variables you want to set with its value in a key-value format under this section and the KubeDB operator will bootstrap the proxysql with this.

.spec.initConfig.adminVariables section carries all the admin_variables info that you want to set for the proxysql. You need to mention the variables you want to set with its value in a key-value format under this section and the KubeDB operator will bootstrap the proxysql with this.

Checkout this link for detailed overview on declarative configuration.


.spec.configSecret is another field to pass the bootstrap configuration for the proxysql. If you want to pass the configuration through a secret you can just mention the secret name under this field. The secret should look something like the following

$ kubectl view-secret -n demo my-config-secret -a  
    checksum_mysql_query_rules: true
    refresh_interval: 2000
    connect_timeout_server: 3000
        match_pattern="^SELECT .* FOR UPDATE$"

        username = "user2"
        password = "pass2"
        default_hostgroup = 2
        active = 1
        username = "user3"
        password = "pass3"
        default_hostgroup = 2
        active = 1
    { username = "user4" , password = "pass4" , default_hostgroup = 0 , active = 1 ,comment = "hello all"}

The secret should contain keys none other than AdminVariables.cnf, MySQLVariables.cnf, MySQLUsers.cnf, MySQLVariables.cnf . The key names define the contents of the values itself. Important info to add is that the value provided with the keys will be patched to the proxysql.cnf file exactly as it is. So be careful with the format when you are going to bootstrap proxysql in this way.


spec.syncUsers is a boolean field. While true, KubeDB Operator fetches all the users from the backend and puts them into the mysql_users table. Any update regarding a user in the backend will also reflect in the proxysql server. This field can be turned off by simply changing the value to false and applying the yaml. It is set false by default though.


spec.tls specifies the TLS/SSL configurations for the ProxySQL frontend connections. See the api here

The following fields are configurable in the spec.tls section:

  • issuerRef is a reference to the Issuer or ClusterIssuer CR of cert-manager that will be used by KubeDB to generate necessary certificates.

    • apiGroup is the group name of the resource being referenced. The value for Issuer or ClusterIssuer is “” (cert-manager v0.12.0 and later).
    • kind is the type of resource being referenced. KubeDB supports both Issuer and ClusterIssuer as values for this field.
    • name is the name of the resource (Issuer or ClusterIssuer) being referenced.
  • certificates (optional) are a list of certificates used to configure the server and/or client certificate. It has the following fields:

    • alias represents the identifier of the certificate. It has the following possible value:

      • server is used for server certificate identification.
      • client is used for client certificate identification.
      • metrics-exporter is used for metrics exporter certificate identification.
    • secretName (optional) specifies the k8s secret name that holds the certificates. This field is optional. If the user does not specify this field, the default secret name will be created in the following format: <database-name>-<cert-alias>-cert.

    • subject (optional) specifies an X.509 distinguished name. It has the following possible field,

      • organizations (optional) are the list of different organization names to be used on the Certificate.
      • organizationalUnits (optional) are the list of different organization unit name to be used on the Certificate.
      • countries (optional) are the list of country names to be used on the Certificate.
      • localities (optional) are the list of locality names to be used on the Certificate.
      • provinces (optional) are the list of province names to be used on the Certificate.
      • streetAddresses (optional) are the list of a street address to be used on the Certificate.
      • postalCodes (optional) are the list of postal code to be used on the Certificate.
      • serialNumber (optional) is a serial number to be used on the Certificate. You can found more details from Here
    • duration (optional) is the period during which the certificate is valid.

    • renewBefore (optional) is a specifiable time before expiration duration.

    • dnsNames (optional) is a list of subject alt names to be used in the Certificate.

    • ipAddresses (optional) is a list of IP addresses to be used in the Certificate.

    • uriSANs (optional) is a list of URI Subject Alternative Names to be set in the Certificate.

    • emailSANs (optional) is a list of email Subject Alternative Names to be set in the Certificate.


KubeDB allows providing a template for proxysql pod through .spec.podTemplate. KubeDB operator will pass the information provided in .spec.podTemplate to the PetSet created for ProxySQL. See the api here

KubeDB accept following fields to set in .spec.podTemplate:

  • metadata:
    • annotations (pod’s annotation)
  • controller:
    • annotations (petset’s annotation)
  • spec:
    • containers
    • volumes
    • podPlacementPolicy
    • initContainers
    • imagePullSecrets
    • nodeSelector
    • serviceAccountName
    • schedulerName
    • tolerations
    • priorityClassName
    • priority
    • securityContext

You can check out the full list here. Uses of some field of spec.podTemplate is described below,


The spec.podTemplate.spec.tolerations is an optional field. This can be used to specify the pod’s tolerations.


The spec.podTemplate.spec.volumes is an optional field. This can be used to provide the list of volumes that can be mounted by containers belonging to the pod.


spec.podTemplate.spec.podPlacementPolicy is an optional field. This can be used to provide the reference of the podPlacementPolicy. This will be used by our Petset controller to place the db pods throughout the region, zone & nodes according to the policy. It utilizes kubernetes affinity & podTopologySpreadContraints feature to do so.


The spec.podTemplate.spec.containers can be used to provide the list containers and their configurations for to the database pod. some of the fields are described below,


The spec.podTemplate.spec.containers[].name field used to specify the name of the container specified as a DNS_LABEL. Each container in a pod must have a unique name (DNS_LABEL). Cannot be updated.


spec.podTemplate.spec.containers[].args is an optional field. This can be used to provide additional arguments to database installation.


spec.podTemplate.spec.containers[].env is an optional field that specifies the environment variables to pass to the Redis containers.


spec.podTemplate.spec.containers[].resources is an optional field. This can be used to request compute resources required by containers of the database pods. To learn more, visit here.


KubeDB provides the flexibility of deploying ProxySQL from a private Docker registry. .spec.podTemplate.spec.imagePullSecrets is an optional field that points to secrets to be used for pulling docker images if you are using a private docker registry.


.spec.podTemplate.spec.nodeSelector is an optional field that specifies a map of key-value pairs. For the pod to be eligible to run on a node, the node must have each of the indicated key-value pairs as labels (it can have additional labels as well). To learn more, see here .


serviceAccountName is an optional field supported by KubeDB Operator (version 0.13.0 and higher) that can be used to specify a custom service account to fine-tune role-based access control.

If this field is left empty, the KubeDB operator will create a service account name matching the ProxySQL object name. Role and RoleBinding that provide necessary access permissions will also be generated automatically for this service account.

If a service account name is given, but there’s no existing service account by that name, the KubeDB operator will create one, and Role and RoleBinding that provide necessary access permissions will also be generated for this service account.

If a service account name is given, and there’s an existing service account by that name, the KubeDB operator will use that existing service account. Since this service account is not managed by KubeDB, users are responsible for providing necessary access permissions manually.


You can also provide a template for the services created by KubeDB operator for the ProxySQL through .spec.serviceTemplate. This will allow you to set the type and other properties of the services.

KubeDB allows following fields to set in .spec.serviceTemplate:

  • metadata:
  • annotations
  • spec:
  • type
  • ports
  • clusterIP
  • externalIPs
  • loadBalancerIP
  • loadBalancerSourceRanges
  • externalTrafficPolicy
  • healthCheckNodePort
  • sessionAffinityConfig

See here to understand these fields in detail.

Next Steps

  • Learn how to use KubeDB ProxySQL to load balance MySQL Group Replication here