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What is MSSQLServerOpsRequest

MSSQLServerOpsRequest is a Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRD). It provides declarative configuration for Microsoft SQL Server administrative operations like database version updating, horizontal scaling, vertical scaling, reconfigure, volume expansion, etc. in a Kubernetes native way.

MSSQLServerOpsRequest CRD Specifications

Like any official Kubernetes resource, a MSSQLServerOpsRequest has TypeMeta, ObjectMeta, Spec and Status sections.

Here, some sample MSSQLServerOpsRequest CR for different administrative operations are given below,

Sample MSSQLServerOpsRequest for updating database:

kind: MSSQLServerOpsRequest
  name: update-ms-version
  namespace: demo
  type: UpdateVersion
    name: mssql-ag
    targetVersion: 2022-cu14
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-06-11T09:59:05Z"
    message: The controller has scaled/updated the MSSQLServer successfully
    observedGeneration: 3
    reason: OpsRequestSuccessful
    status: "True"
    type: Successful
  observedGeneration: 3
  phase: Successful

Sample MSSQLServerOpsRequest for horizontal scaling:

kind: MSSQLServerOpsRequest
  name: msops-horizontal-up
  namespace: demo
  type: HorizontalScaling
    name: mssql-ag
    replicas: 5
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-06-11T09:59:05Z"
    message: The controller has scaled/updated the MSSQLServer successfully
    observedGeneration: 3
    reason: OpsRequestSuccessful
    status: "True"
    type: Successful
  observedGeneration: 3
  phase: Successful

Sample MSSQLServerOpsRequest for vertical scaling:

kind: MSSQLServerOpsRequest
  name: mops-vscale-standalone
  namespace: demo
  type: VerticalScaling
    name: mssql-standalone
          memory: "5Gi"
          cpu: "1000m"
          memory: "5Gi"
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-06-11T09:59:05Z"
    message: The controller has scaled/updated the MSSQLServer successfully
    observedGeneration: 3
    reason: OpsRequestSuccessful
    status: "True"
    type: Successful
  observedGeneration: 3
  phase: Successful

Here, we are going to describe the various sections of a MSSQLServerOpsRequest CR.

MSSQLServerOpsRequest Spec

A MSSQLServerOpsRequest object has the following fields in the spec section.


spec.databaseRef is a required field that point to the MSSQLServer object where the administrative operations will be applied. This field consists of the following sub-field:

  • : specifies the name of the MSSQLServer object.


spec.type specifies the kind of operation that will be applied to the database. Currently, the following types of operations are allowed in MSSQLServerOpsRequest.

  • UpdateVersion
  • HorizontalScaling
  • VerticalScaling
  • VolumeExpansion
  • Restart

You can perform only one type of operation on a single MSSQLServerOpsRequest CR. For example, if you want to update your database and scale up its replica then you have to create two separate MSSQLServerOpsRequest. At first, you have to create a MSSQLServerOpsRequest for updating. Once it is completed, then you can create another MSSQLServerOpsRequest for scaling. You should not create two MSSQLServerOpsRequest simultaneously.


If you want to update your MSSQLServer version, you have to specify the spec.updateVersion section that specifies the desired version information. This field consists of the following sub-field:

  • spec.updateVersion.targetVersion refers to a MSSQLServerVersion CR that contains the MSSQLServer version information where you want to update.

You can only update between MSSQLServer versions. KubeDB does not support downgrade for MSSQLServer.


If you want to scale-up or scale-down your MSSQLServer cluster, you have to specify spec.horizontalScaling section. This field consists of the following sub-field:

  • spec.horizontalScaling.replicas indicates the desired number of replicas for your MSSQLServer cluster after scaling. For example, if your cluster currently has 4 replicas, and you want to add additional 2 replicas then you have to specify 6 in spec.horizontalScaling.replicas field. Similarly, if you want to remove one member from the cluster, you have to specify 3 in spec.horizontalScaling.replicas field.


spec.verticalScaling is a required field specifying the information of MSSQLServer resources like cpu, memory etc. that will be scaled. This field consists of the following sub-fields:

  • spec.verticalScaling.mssqlserver indicates the MSSQLServer server resources. It has the below structure:
    memory: "5Gi"
    cpu: 1
    memory: "5Gi"
    cpu: 2

Here, when you specify the resource request for MSSQLServer container, the scheduler uses this information to decide which node to place the container of the Pod on and when you specify a resource limit for MSSQLServer container, the kubelet enforces those limits so that the running container is not allowed to use more of that resource than the limit you set. you can found more details from here

  • spec.verticalScaling.exporter indicates the exporter container resources. It has the same structure as spec.verticalScaling.mssqlserver and you can scale the resource the same way as MSSQLServer container.

You can increase/decrease resources for both MSSQLServer container and exporter container on a single MSSQLServerOpsRequest CR.


To use the volume expansion feature the storage class must support volume expansion

If you want to expand the volume of your MSSQLServer cluster, you have to specify spec.volumeExpansion section. This field consists of the following sub-fields:

  • spec.volumeExpansion.mode specifies the volume expansion mode. Supported values are Online & Offline. The default is Online.
  • spec.volumeExpansion.mssqlserver indicates the desired size for the persistent volumes of a MSSQLServer.

All of them refer to Quantity types of Kubernetes.

Example usage of this field is given below:

    mode: "Online"
    mssqlserver: 30Gi

This will expand the volume size of all the mssql server nodes to 30 GB.


As we internally retry the ops request steps multiple times, This timeout field helps the users to specify the timeout for those steps of the ops request (in second). If a step doesn’t finish within the specified timeout, the ops request will result in failure.


This field controls the execution of obsRequest depending on the database state. It has two supported values: Always & IfReady. Use IfReady, if you want to process the opsRequest only when the database is Ready. And use Always, if you want to process the execution of opsReq irrespective of the Database state.

MSSQLServerOpsRequest Status

.status describes the current state and progress of the MSSQLServerOpsRequest operation. It has the following fields:


status.phase indicates the overall phase of the operation for this MSSQLServerOpsRequest. It can have the following values:

SuccessfulKubeDB has successfully performed the operation requested in the MSSQLServerOpsRequest
ProgressingKubeDB has started the execution of the applied MSSQLServerOpsRequest
FailedKubeDB has failed the operation requested in the MSSQLServerOpsRequest
DeniedKubeDB has denied the operation requested in the MSSQLServerOpsRequest
SkippedKubeDB has skipped the operation requested in the MSSQLServerOpsRequest

Important: Ops-manager Operator can skip an opsRequest, only if its execution has not been started yet & there is a newer opsRequest applied in the cluster. spec.type has to be same as the skipped one, in this case.


status.observedGeneration shows the most recent generation observed by the MSSQLServerOpsRequest controller.


status.conditions is an array that specifies the conditions of different steps of MSSQLServerOpsRequest processing. Each condition entry has the following fields:

  • types specifies the type of the condition. MSSQLServerOpsRequest has the following types of conditions:
ProgressingSpecifies that the operation is now progressing
SuccessfulSpecifies such a state that the operation on the database has been successful.
HaltDatabaseSpecifies such a state that the database is halted by the operator
ResumeDatabaseSpecifies such a state that the database is resumed by the operator
FailedSpecifies such a state that the operation on the database has been failed.
ScalingSpecifies such a state that the scaling operation on the database has started
VerticalScalingSpecifies such a state that vertical scaling has performed successfully on database
HorizontalScalingSpecifies such a state that horizontal scaling has performed successfully on database
UpdatingSpecifies such a state that database updating operation has started
UpdateVersionSpecifies such a state that version updating on the database have performed successfully
  • The status field is a string, with possible values "True", "False", and "Unknown".
    • status will be "True" if the current transition is succeeded.
    • status will be "False" if the current transition is failed.
    • status will be "Unknown" if the current transition is denied.
  • The message field is a human-readable message indicating details about the condition.
  • The reason field is a unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition’s last transition. It has the following possible values:
OpsRequestProgressingStartedOperator has started the OpsRequest processing
OpsRequestFailedToProgressingOperator has failed to start the OpsRequest processing
SuccessfullyHaltedDatabaseDatabase is successfully halted by the operator
FailedToHaltDatabaseDatabase is failed to halt by the operator
SuccessfullyResumedDatabaseDatabase is successfully resumed to perform its usual operation
FailedToResumedDatabaseDatabase is failed to resume
DatabaseVersionUpdatingStartedOperator has started updating the database version
SuccessfullyUpdatedDatabaseVersionOperator has successfully updated the database version
FailedToUpdateDatabaseVersionOperator has failed to update the database version
HorizontalScalingStartedOperator has started the horizontal scaling
SuccessfullyPerformedHorizontalScalingOperator has successfully performed on horizontal scaling
FailedToPerformHorizontalScalingOperator has failed to perform on horizontal scaling
VerticalScalingStartedOperator has started the vertical scaling
SuccessfullyPerformedVerticalScalingOperator has successfully performed on vertical scaling
FailedToPerformVerticalScalingOperator has failed to perform on vertical scaling
OpsRequestProcessedSuccessfullyOperator has completed the operation successfully requested by the OpeRequest cr
  • The lastTransitionTime field provides a timestamp for when the operation last transitioned from one state to another.
  • The observedGeneration shows the most recent condition transition generation observed by the controller.