You are looking at the documentation of a prior release. To read the documentation of the latest release, please visit here.

New to KubeDB? Please start here.

MongoDB Sharding with Hidden-node

This tutorial will show you how to use KubeDB to run a sharded MongoDB cluster with hidden node.

Before You Begin

Before proceeding:

  • Read mongodb hidden-node concept to get the concept about MongoDB Replica Set Hidden-node.

  • You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using kind.

  • Now, install KubeDB cli on your workstation and KubeDB operator in your cluster following the steps here.

  • To keep things isolated, this tutorial uses a separate namespace called demo throughout this tutorial. Run the following command to prepare your cluster for this tutorial:

    $ kubectl create ns demo
    namespace/demo created

Note: The yaml files used in this tutorial are stored in docs/examples/mongodb folder in GitHub repository kubedb/docs.

Deploy Sharded MongoDB Cluster

To deploy a MongoDB Sharding, user have to specify spec.shardTopology option in Mongodb CRD.

The following is an example of a Mongodb object which creates MongoDB Sharding of three type of members.

kind: MongoDB
  name: mongo-sh-hid
  namespace: demo
  version: "percona-7.0.4"
      replicas: 3
      ephemeralStorage: {}
      replicas: 2
      replicas: 3
      shards: 2
      ephemeralStorage: {}
  storageEngine: inMemory
  storageType: Ephemeral
            cpu: "400m"
            memory: "400Mi"
    replicas: 2
      storageClassName: "standard"
        - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 2Gi
  deletionPolicy: WipeOut
$ kubectl create -f created


  • spec.shardTopology represents the topology configuration for sharding.
    • shard represents configuration for Shard component of mongodb.
      • shards represents number of shards for a mongodb deployment. Each shard is deployed as a replicaset.
      • replicas represents number of replicas of each shard replicaset.
      • prefix represents the prefix of each shard node.
      • configSecret is an optional field to provide custom configuration file for shards (i.e mongod.cnf). If specified, this file will be used as configuration file otherwise a default configuration file will be used.
      • podTemplate is an optional configuration for pods.
      • storage to specify pvc spec for each node of sharding. You can specify any StorageClass available in your cluster with appropriate resource requests.
    • configServer represents configuration for ConfigServer component of mongodb.
      • replicas represents number of replicas for configServer replicaset. Here, configServer is deployed as a replicaset of mongodb.
      • prefix represents the prefix of configServer nodes.
      • configSecret is an optional field to provide custom configuration file for configSource (i.e mongod.cnf). If specified, this file will be used as configuration file otherwise a default configuration file will be used.
      • podTemplate is an optional configuration for pods.
      • storage to specify pvc spec for each node of configServer. You can specify any StorageClass available in your cluster with appropriate resource requests.
    • mongos represents configuration for Mongos component of mongodb. Mongos instances run as stateless components (deployment).
      • replicas represents number of replicas of Mongos instance. Here, Mongos is not deployed as replicaset.
      • prefix represents the prefix of mongos nodes.
      • configSecret is an optional field to provide custom configuration file for mongos (i.e mongod.cnf). If specified, this file will be used as configuration file otherwise a default configuration file will be used.
      • podTemplate is an optional configuration for pods.
  • spec.keyFileSecret (optional) is a secret name that contains keyfile (a random string)against key.txt key. Each mongod instances in the replica set and shardTopology uses the contents of the keyfile as the shared password for authenticating other members in the replicaset. Only mongod instances with the correct keyfile can join the replica set. User can provide the keyFileSecret by creating a secret with key key.txt. See here to create the string for keyFileSecret. If keyFileSecret is not given, KubeDB operator will generate a keyFileSecret itself.
  • spec.storageEngine is set to inMemory, & spec.storageType to ephemeral.
  • spec.shardTopology.(configSerer/shard).ephemeralStorage holds the emptyDir volume specifications. This storage spec will be passed to the PetSet created by KubeDB operator to run database pods. So, each members will have a pod of this ephemeral storage configuration.
  • spec.hidden denotes hidden-node spec of the deployed MongoDB CRD. There are four fields under it :
    • spec.hidden.podTemplate holds the hidden-node podSpec. null value of it, instructs kubedb operator to use the default hidden-node podTemplate.
    • spec.hidden.configSecret is an optional field to provide custom configuration file for database (i.e mongod.cnf). If specified, this file will be used as configuration file otherwise default configuration file will be used.
    • spec.hidden.replicas holds the number of hidden-node in the replica set.
    • specifies the StorageClass of PVC dynamically allocated to store data for these hidden-nodes. This storage spec will be passed to the PetSet created by KubeDB operator to run database pods. So, each members will have a pod of this storage configuration. You can specify any StorageClass available in your cluster with appropriate resource requests.

KubeDB operator watches for MongoDB objects using Kubernetes api. When a MongoDB object is created, KubeDB operator will create some new PetSets : 1 for mongos, 1 for configServer, and 1 for each of the shard & hidden node. It creates a primary Service with the matching MongoDB object name. KubeDB operator will also create governing services for PetSets with the name <mongodb-name>-<node-type>-pods.

MongoDB mongo-sh-hid state, All the types of nodes Shard, ConfigServer & Mongos are deployed as petset.

$ kubectl get mg,sts,svc,pvc,pv -n demo
NAME                              VERSION          STATUS   AGE   percona-7.0.4   Ready    4m46s

NAME                                          READY   AGE
petset.apps/mongo-sh-hid-configsvr       3/3     4m46s
petset.apps/mongo-sh-hid-mongos          2/2     2m52s
petset.apps/mongo-sh-hid-shard0          3/3     4m46s
petset.apps/mongo-sh-hid-shard0-hidden   2/2     3m45s
petset.apps/mongo-sh-hid-shard1          3/3     4m46s
petset.apps/mongo-sh-hid-shard1-hidden   2/2     3m36s

NAME                                  TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)     AGE
service/mongo-sh-hid                  ClusterIP   <none>        27017/TCP   4m46s
service/mongo-sh-hid-configsvr-pods   ClusterIP   None           <none>        27017/TCP   4m46s
service/mongo-sh-hid-mongos-pods      ClusterIP   None           <none>        27017/TCP   4m46s
service/mongo-sh-hid-shard0-pods      ClusterIP   None           <none>        27017/TCP   4m46s
service/mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods      ClusterIP   None           <none>        27017/TCP   4m46s

NAME                                                         STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/datadir-mongo-sh-hid-shard0-hidden-0   Bound    pvc-9a4fd907-8225-4ed2-90e3-8ca43c0521d2   2Gi        RWO            standard       3m45s
persistentvolumeclaim/datadir-mongo-sh-hid-shard0-hidden-1   Bound    pvc-b77cd5d1-d5c1-433b-90dd-3784c5207cd6   2Gi        RWO            standard       3m23s
persistentvolumeclaim/datadir-mongo-sh-hid-shard1-hidden-0   Bound    pvc-61712454-2038-4692-a6ea-88685d7f34e1   2Gi        RWO            standard       3m36s
persistentvolumeclaim/datadir-mongo-sh-hid-shard1-hidden-1   Bound    pvc-489fb5c9-edee-4cf9-985f-48e04f14f695   2Gi        RWO            standard       3m14s

NAME                                                        CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                                       STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
persistentvolume/pvc-489fb5c9-edee-4cf9-985f-48e04f14f695   2Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    demo/datadir-mongo-sh-hid-shard1-hidden-1   standard                3m11s
persistentvolume/pvc-61712454-2038-4692-a6ea-88685d7f34e1   2Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    demo/datadir-mongo-sh-hid-shard1-hidden-0   standard                3m33s
persistentvolume/pvc-9a4fd907-8225-4ed2-90e3-8ca43c0521d2   2Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    demo/datadir-mongo-sh-hid-shard0-hidden-0   standard                3m42s
persistentvolume/pvc-b77cd5d1-d5c1-433b-90dd-3784c5207cd6   2Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    demo/datadir-mongo-sh-hid-shard0-hidden-1   standard                3m20s

KubeDB operator sets the status.phase to Ready once the database is successfully created. It has also defaulted some field of crd object. Run the following command to see the modified MongoDB object:

$ kubectl get mg -n demo mongo-sh-hid -o yaml
kind: MongoDB
  annotations: |
  creationTimestamp: "2022-10-31T05:59:43Z"
  generation: 3
  name: mongo-sh-hid
  namespace: demo
  resourceVersion: "721561"
  uid: 20f66240-669d-4556-b729-f6d0956a9241
      from: Same
    name: mongo-sh-hid-auth
  autoOps: {}
  clusterAuthMode: keyFile
    failureThreshold: 1
    periodSeconds: 10
    timeoutSeconds: 10
      controller: {}
      metadata: {}
            memory: 400Mi
            cpu: 400m
            memory: 400Mi
    replicas: 2
        - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 2Gi
      storageClassName: standard
    name: mongo-sh-hid-key
      ephemeralStorage: {}
        controller: {}
        metadata: {}
              memory: 1Gi
              cpu: 500m
              memory: 1Gi
          serviceAccountName: mongo-sh-hid
      replicas: 3
        controller: {}
        metadata: {}
              memory: 1Gi
              cpu: 500m
              memory: 1Gi
          serviceAccountName: mongo-sh-hid
      replicas: 2
      ephemeralStorage: {}
        controller: {}
        metadata: {}
              memory: 1Gi
              cpu: 500m
              memory: 1Gi
          serviceAccountName: mongo-sh-hid
      replicas: 3
      shards: 2
  sslMode: disabled
  storageEngine: inMemory
  storageType: Ephemeral
  deletionPolicy: WipeOut
  version: percona-7.0.4
    - lastTransitionTime: "2022-10-31T05:59:43Z"
      message: 'The KubeDB operator has started the provisioning of MongoDB: demo/mongo-sh-hid'
      reason: DatabaseProvisioningStartedSuccessfully
      status: "True"
      type: ProvisioningStarted
    - lastTransitionTime: "2022-10-31T06:02:05Z"
      message: All desired replicas are ready.
      reason: AllReplicasReady
      status: "True"
      type: ReplicaReady
    - lastTransitionTime: "2022-10-31T06:01:47Z"
      message: 'The MongoDB: demo/mongo-sh-hid is accepting client requests.'
      observedGeneration: 3
      reason: DatabaseAcceptingConnectionRequest
      status: "True"
      type: AcceptingConnection
    - lastTransitionTime: "2022-10-31T06:01:47Z"
      message: 'The MongoDB: demo/mongo-sh-hid is ready.'
      observedGeneration: 3
      reason: ReadinessCheckSucceeded
      status: "True"
      type: Ready
    - lastTransitionTime: "2022-10-31T06:02:05Z"
      message: 'The MongoDB: demo/mongo-sh-hid is successfully provisioned.'
      observedGeneration: 3
      reason: DatabaseSuccessfullyProvisioned
      status: "True"
      type: Provisioned
  observedGeneration: 3
  phase: Ready

Please note that KubeDB operator has created a new Secret called mongo-sh-hid-auth (format: {mongodb-object-name}-auth) for storing the password for mongodb superuser. This secret contains a username key which contains the username for MongoDB superuser and a password key which contains the password for MongoDB superuser.

If you want to use custom or existing secret please specify that when creating the MongoDB object using While creating this secret manually, make sure the secret contains these two keys containing data username and password. For more details, please see here.

Connection Information

  • Hostname/address: you can use any of these

    • Service: mongo-sh-hid.demo
    • Pod IP: ($ kubectl get po -n demo -l -o yaml | grep podIP)
  • Port: 27017

  • Username: Run following command to get username,

    $ kubectl get secrets -n demo mongo-sh-hid-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.\username}' | base64 -d
  • Password: Run the following command to get password,

    $ kubectl get secrets -n demo mongo-sh-hid-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.\password}' | base64 -d

Now, you can connect to this database through mongo-shell.

Sharded Data

In this tutorial, we will insert sharded and unsharded document, and we will see if the data actually sharded across cluster or not.

$ kubectl get pod -n demo -l
NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mongo-sh-hid-mongos-0   1/1     Running   0          6m38s
mongo-sh-hid-mongos-1   1/1     Running   0          6m20s

$ kubectl exec -it mongo-sh-hid-mongos-0 -n demo bash

mongodb@mongo-sh-mongos-0:/$ mongo admin -u root -p '6&UiN5;qq)Tnai=7'
Percona Server for MongoDB shell version v7.0.4-11
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("e6979884-81b0-41c9-9745-50654f6fb39b") }
Percona Server for MongoDB server version: v7.0.4-11
Welcome to the Percona Server for MongoDB shell.
For interactive help, type "help".
For more comprehensive documentation, see
Questions? Try the support group

To detect if the MongoDB instance that your client is connected to is mongos, use the isMaster command. When a client connects to a mongos, isMaster returns a document with a msg field that holds the string isdbgrid.

mongos> rs.isMaster()
	"ismaster" : true,
	"msg" : "isdbgrid",
	"maxBsonObjectSize" : 16777216,
	"maxMessageSizeBytes" : 48000000,
	"maxWriteBatchSize" : 100000,
	"localTime" : ISODate("2022-10-31T06:11:39.882Z"),
	"logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes" : 30,
	"connectionId" : 310,
	"maxWireVersion" : 9,
	"minWireVersion" : 0,
	"topologyVersion" : {
		"processId" : ObjectId("635f64d1716935915500369b"),
		"counter" : NumberLong(0)
	"ok" : 1,
	"operationTime" : Timestamp(1667196696, 31),
	"$clusterTime" : {
		"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1667196696, 31),
		"signature" : {
			"hash" : BinData(0,"q30+hpYp5vn4t5HCvUiw1LDfbTg="),
			"keyId" : NumberLong("7160552274547179543")

mongo-sh-hid Shard status,

mongos> sh.status()
--- Sharding Status --- 
  sharding version: {
  	"_id" : 1,
  	"minCompatibleVersion" : 5,
  	"currentVersion" : 6,
  	"clusterId" : ObjectId("635f645bf391eaa4fdef2fba")
        {  "_id" : "shard0",  "host" : "shard0/mongo-sh-hid-shard0-0.mongo-sh-hid-shard0-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-sh-hid-shard0-1.mongo-sh-hid-shard0-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-sh-hid-shard0-2.mongo-sh-hid-shard0-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017",  "state" : 1,  "tags" : [ "shard0" ] }
        {  "_id" : "shard1",  "host" : "shard1/mongo-sh-hid-shard1-0.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-sh-hid-shard1-1.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-sh-hid-shard1-2.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017",  "state" : 1,  "tags" : [ "shard1" ] }
  active mongoses:
        "7.0.4-11" : 2
        Currently enabled: yes
        Currently enabled:  yes
        Currently running:  no
        Failed balancer rounds in last 5 attempts:  0
        Migration Results for the last 24 hours: 
                407 : Success
        {  "_id" : "config",  "primary" : "config",  "partitioned" : true }
                        shard key: { "_id" : 1 }
                        unique: false
                        balancing: true
                                shard0	618
                                shard1	406
                        too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
        {  "_id" : "kubedb-system",  "primary" : "shard0",  "partitioned" : true,  "version" : {  "uuid" : UUID("987e328c-5675-49d7-81a1-25d99142cad1"),  "lastMod" : 1 } }
                        shard key: { "id" : 1 }
                        unique: false
                        balancing: true
                                shard0	3
                                shard1	1
                        { "id" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "id" : 0 } on : shard0 Timestamp(2, 1) 
                        { "id" : 0 } -->> { "id" : 1 } on : shard0 Timestamp(1, 2) 
                        { "id" : 1 } -->> { "id" : 2 } on : shard1 Timestamp(2, 0) 
                        { "id" : 2 } -->> { "id" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : shard0 Timestamp(1, 4) 
                         tag: shard0  { "id" : 0 } -->> { "id" : 1 }
                         tag: shard1  { "id" : 1 } -->> { "id" : 2 }

As sh.status() command only shows the general members, if we want to assure that hidden-nodes have been added correctly we need to exec into any shard-pod & run rs.conf() command against the admin database. Open another terminal :

kubectl exec -it -n demo pod/mongo-sh-hid-shard1-0 -- bash

root@mongo-sh-hid-shard0-1:/ mongo admin -u root -p '6&UiN5;qq)Tnai=7'
Defaulted container "mongodb" out of: mongodb, copy-config (init)
Percona Server for MongoDB shell version v7.0.4-11
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("86dadf16-fff2-4483-b3ee-1ca7fc94229f") }
Percona Server for MongoDB server version: v7.0.4-11
Welcome to the Percona Server for MongoDB shell.
For interactive help, type "help".
For more comprehensive documentation, see
Questions? Try the support group

shard1:PRIMARY> rs.conf()
	"_id" : "shard1",
	"version" : 6,
	"term" : 1,
	"protocolVersion" : NumberLong(1),
	"writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault" : false,
	"members" : [
			"_id" : 0,
			"host" : "mongo-sh-hid-shard1-0.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017",
			"arbiterOnly" : false,
			"buildIndexes" : true,
			"hidden" : false,
			"priority" : 1,
			"tags" : {
			"slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0),
			"votes" : 1
			"_id" : 1,
			"host" : "mongo-sh-hid-shard1-1.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017",
			"arbiterOnly" : false,
			"buildIndexes" : true,
			"hidden" : false,
			"priority" : 1,
			"tags" : {
			"slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0),
			"votes" : 1
			"_id" : 2,
			"host" : "mongo-sh-hid-shard1-2.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017",
			"arbiterOnly" : false,
			"buildIndexes" : true,
			"hidden" : false,
			"priority" : 1,
			"tags" : {
			"slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0),
			"votes" : 1
			"_id" : 3,
			"host" : "mongo-sh-hid-shard1-hidden-0.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017",
			"arbiterOnly" : false,
			"buildIndexes" : true,
			"hidden" : true,
			"priority" : 0,
			"tags" : {
			"slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0),
			"votes" : 1
			"_id" : 4,
			"host" : "mongo-sh-hid-shard1-hidden-1.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017",
			"arbiterOnly" : false,
			"buildIndexes" : true,
			"hidden" : true,
			"priority" : 0,
			"tags" : {
			"slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0),
			"votes" : 1
	"settings" : {
		"chainingAllowed" : true,
		"heartbeatIntervalMillis" : 2000,
		"heartbeatTimeoutSecs" : 10,
		"electionTimeoutMillis" : 10000,
		"catchUpTimeoutMillis" : -1,
		"catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis" : 30000,
		"getLastErrorModes" : {
		"getLastErrorDefaults" : {
			"w" : 1,
			"wtimeout" : 0
		"replicaSetId" : ObjectId("635f645c4883e315f55b07b4")

Enable sharding to collection songs.list and insert document. See sh.shardCollection(namespace, key, unique, options) for details about shardCollection command.

mongos> sh.enableSharding("songs");
	"ok" : 1,
	"operationTime" : Timestamp(1667197117, 5),
	"$clusterTime" : {
		"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1667197117, 5),
		"signature" : {
			"hash" : BinData(0,"PqbGBYWJBwAexJoFMwUEQ1Z+ezc="),
			"keyId" : NumberLong("7160552274547179543")

mongos> sh.shardCollection("songs.list", {"myfield": 1});
	"collectionsharded" : "songs.list",
	"collectionUUID" : UUID("ed9c0fec-d488-4a2f-b5ce-8b244676a5b4"),
	"ok" : 1,
	"operationTime" : Timestamp(1667197139, 14),
	"$clusterTime" : {
		"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1667197139, 14),
		"signature" : {
			"hash" : BinData(0,"Cons7FRJzPPeysmanMLyNgJlwNk="),
			"keyId" : NumberLong("7160552274547179543")

mongos> use songs
switched to db songs

mongos> db.list.insert({"led zeppelin": "stairway to heaven", "slipknot": "psychosocial"});
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

mongos> db.list.insert({"pink floyd": "us and them", "nirvana": "smells like teen spirit", "john lennon" : "imagine" });
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

mongos> db.list.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("635f68e774b0bd92060ebeb6"), "led zeppelin" : "stairway to heaven", "slipknot" : "psychosocial" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("635f692074b0bd92060ebeb7"), "pink floyd" : "us and them", "nirvana" : "smells like teen spirit", "john lennon" : "imagine" }

Run sh.status() to see whether the songs database has sharding enabled, and the primary shard for the songs database.

The Sharded Collection section sh.status.databases.<collection> provides information on the sharding details for sharded collection(s) (E.g. songs.list). For each sharded collection, the section displays the shard key, the number of chunks per shard(s), the distribution of documents across chunks, and the tag information, if any, for shard key range(s).

mongos> sh.status()
--- Sharding Status --- 
  sharding version: {
  	"_id" : 1,
  	"minCompatibleVersion" : 5,
  	"currentVersion" : 6,
  	"clusterId" : ObjectId("635f645bf391eaa4fdef2fba")
        {  "_id" : "shard0",  "host" : "shard0/mongo-sh-hid-shard0-0.mongo-sh-hid-shard0-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-sh-hid-shard0-1.mongo-sh-hid-shard0-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-sh-hid-shard0-2.mongo-sh-hid-shard0-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017",  "state" : 1,  "tags" : [ "shard0" ] }
        {  "_id" : "shard1",  "host" : "shard1/mongo-sh-hid-shard1-0.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-sh-hid-shard1-1.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-sh-hid-shard1-2.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017",  "state" : 1,  "tags" : [ "shard1" ] }
  active mongoses:
        "7.0.4-11" : 2
        Currently enabled: yes
        Currently enabled:  yes
        Currently running:  no
        Failed balancer rounds in last 5 attempts:  0
        Migration Results for the last 24 hours: 
                513 : Success
        {  "_id" : "config",  "primary" : "config",  "partitioned" : true }
                        shard key: { "_id" : 1 }
                        unique: false
                        balancing: true
                                shard0	512
                                shard1	512
                        too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
        {  "_id" : "kubedb-system",  "primary" : "shard0",  "partitioned" : true,  "version" : {  "uuid" : UUID("987e328c-5675-49d7-81a1-25d99142cad1"),  "lastMod" : 1 } }
                        shard key: { "id" : 1 }
                        unique: false
                        balancing: true
                                shard0	3
                                shard1	1
                        { "id" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "id" : 0 } on : shard0 Timestamp(2, 1) 
                        { "id" : 0 } -->> { "id" : 1 } on : shard0 Timestamp(1, 2) 
                        { "id" : 1 } -->> { "id" : 2 } on : shard1 Timestamp(2, 0) 
                        { "id" : 2 } -->> { "id" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : shard0 Timestamp(1, 4) 
                         tag: shard0  { "id" : 0 } -->> { "id" : 1 }
                         tag: shard1  { "id" : 1 } -->> { "id" : 2 }
        {  "_id" : "songs",  "primary" : "shard1",  "partitioned" : true,  "version" : {  "uuid" : UUID("03c7f9c8-f30f-42a4-8505-7f58fb95d3f3"),  "lastMod" : 1 } }
                        shard key: { "myfield" : 1 }
                        unique: false
                        balancing: true
                                shard1	1
                        { "myfield" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "myfield" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : shard1 Timestamp(1, 0) 

Now create another database where partiotioned is not applied and see how the data is stored.

mongos> use demo
switched to db demo

mongos> db.anothercollection.insert({"myfield": "ccc", "otherfield": "this is non sharded", "kube" : "db" });
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

mongos> db.anothercollection.insert({"myfield": "aaa", "more": "field" });
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

mongos> db.anothercollection.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("635f69c674b0bd92060ebeb8"), "myfield" : "ccc", "otherfield" : "this is non sharded", "kube" : "db" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("635f69d574b0bd92060ebeb9"), "myfield" : "aaa", "more" : "field" }

Now, eventually sh.status()

mongos> sh.status()
--- Sharding Status --- 
  sharding version: {
  	"_id" : 1,
  	"minCompatibleVersion" : 5,
  	"currentVersion" : 6,
  	"clusterId" : ObjectId("635f645bf391eaa4fdef2fba")
        {  "_id" : "shard0",  "host" : "shard0/mongo-sh-hid-shard0-0.mongo-sh-hid-shard0-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-sh-hid-shard0-1.mongo-sh-hid-shard0-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-sh-hid-shard0-2.mongo-sh-hid-shard0-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017",  "state" : 1,  "tags" : [ "shard0" ] }
        {  "_id" : "shard1",  "host" : "shard1/mongo-sh-hid-shard1-0.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-sh-hid-shard1-1.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-sh-hid-shard1-2.mongo-sh-hid-shard1-pods.demo.svc.cluster.local:27017",  "state" : 1,  "tags" : [ "shard1" ] }
  active mongoses:
        "7.0.4-11" : 2
        Currently enabled: yes
        Currently enabled:  yes
        Currently running:  no
        Failed balancer rounds in last 5 attempts:  0
        Migration Results for the last 24 hours: 
                513 : Success
        {  "_id" : "config",  "primary" : "config",  "partitioned" : true }
                        shard key: { "_id" : 1 }
                        unique: false
                        balancing: true
                                shard0	512
                                shard1	512
                        too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
        {  "_id" : "demo",  "primary" : "shard1",  "partitioned" : false,  "version" : {  "uuid" : UUID("040d4dc2-232f-4cc8-bae0-11c79244a9a7"),  "lastMod" : 1 } }
        {  "_id" : "kubedb-system",  "primary" : "shard0",  "partitioned" : true,  "version" : {  "uuid" : UUID("987e328c-5675-49d7-81a1-25d99142cad1"),  "lastMod" : 1 } }
                        shard key: { "id" : 1 }
                        unique: false
                        balancing: true
                                shard0	3
                                shard1	1
                        { "id" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "id" : 0 } on : shard0 Timestamp(2, 1) 
                        { "id" : 0 } -->> { "id" : 1 } on : shard0 Timestamp(1, 2) 
                        { "id" : 1 } -->> { "id" : 2 } on : shard1 Timestamp(2, 0) 
                        { "id" : 2 } -->> { "id" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : shard0 Timestamp(1, 4) 
                         tag: shard0  { "id" : 0 } -->> { "id" : 1 }
                         tag: shard1  { "id" : 1 } -->> { "id" : 2 }
        {  "_id" : "songs",  "primary" : "shard1",  "partitioned" : true,  "version" : {  "uuid" : UUID("03c7f9c8-f30f-42a4-8505-7f58fb95d3f3"),  "lastMod" : 1 } }
                        shard key: { "myfield" : 1 }
                        unique: false
                        balancing: true
                                shard1	1
                        { "myfield" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "myfield" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : shard1 Timestamp(1, 0) 

Here, demo database is not partitioned and all collections under demo database are stored in it’s primary shard, which is shard0.

Cleaning up

To cleanup the Kubernetes resources created by this tutorial, run:

kubectl delete -n demo mg/mongo-sh-hid
kubectl delete ns demo

Next Steps