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Supported Kafka Features

Clustering - Combined (shared controller and broker nodes)
Clustering - Topology (dedicated controllers and broker nodes)
Custom Docker Image
Authentication & Authorization
Persistent Volume
Custom Volume
TLS: using ( Cert Manager )
Reconfigurable Health Checker
Externally manageable Auth Secret
Monitoring with Prometheus & Grafana

Supported Kafka Versions

KubeDB supports The following Kafka versions. Supported version are applicable for Kraft mode or Zookeeper-less releases:

  • 3.3.0
  • 3.3.2
  • 3.4.0

The listed KafkaVersions are tested and provided as a part of the installation process (ie. catalog chart), but you are open to create your own KafkaVersion object with your custom Kafka image.

Lifecycle of Kafka Object


User Guide