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Please install Stash to try this feature. Database backup with Stash is already included in the KubeDB license. So, you don’t need a separate license for Stash.

MariaDB Backup & Restore Overview

KubeDB uses Stash to backup and restore databases. Stash by AppsCode is a cloud native data backup and recovery solution for Kubernetes workloads. Stash utilizes restic to securely backup stateful applications to any cloud or on-prem storage backends (for example, S3, GCS, Azure Blob storage, Minio, NetApp, Dell EMC etc.).

  KubeDB + Stash
Fig: Backup KubeDB Databases Using Stash

How Stash Backups & Restores MariaDB Database

Stash 0.9.0+ supports backup and restore operation of many databases. This guide will give you an overview of how MariaDB database backup and restore process works in Stash.

Logical Backup

Stash supports taking logical backup of MariaDB databases using mysqldump. It is the most flexible way to perform a backup and restore, and a good choice when the data size is relatively small.

How Logical Backup Works

The following diagram shows how Stash takes logical backup of a MariaDB database. Open the image in a new tab to see the enlarged version.

  MariaDB Backup Overview
Fig: MariaDB Logical Backup Overview

The backup process consists of the following steps:

  1. At first, a user creates a secret with access credentials of the backend where the backed up data will be stored.

  2. Then, she creates a Repository crd that specifies the backend information along with the secret that holds the credentials to access the backend.

  3. Then, she creates a BackupConfiguration crd targeting the AppBinding crd of the desired database. The BackupConfiguration object also specifies the Task to use to backup the database.

  4. Stash operator watches for BackupConfiguration crd.

  5. Once Stash operator finds a BackupConfiguration crd, it creates a CronJob with the schedule specified in BackupConfiguration object to trigger backup periodically.

  6. On the next scheduled slot, the CronJob triggers a backup by creating a BackupSession crd.

  7. Stash operator also watches for BackupSession crd.

  8. When it finds a BackupSession object, it resolves the respective Task and Function and prepares a Job definition to backup.

  9. Then, it creates the Job to backup the targeted database.

  10. The backup Job reads necessary information to connect with the database from the AppBinding crd. It also reads backend information and access credentials from Repository crd and Storage Secret respectively.

  11. Then, the Job dumps the targeted database and uploads the output to the backend. Stash pipes the output of dump command to uploading process. Hence, backup Job does not require a large volume to hold the entire dump output.

  12. Finally, when the backup is complete, the Job sends Prometheus metrics to the Pushgateway running inside Stash operator pod. It also updates the BackupSession and Repository status to reflect the backup procedure.

How Restore from Logical Backup Works

The following diagram shows how Stash restores a MariaDB database from a logical backup. Open the image in a new tab to see the enlarged version.

  Database Restore Overview
Fig: MariaDB Logical Restore Process Overview

The restore process consists of the following steps:

  1. At first, a user creates a RestoreSession crd targeting the AppBinding of the desired database where the backed up data will be restored. It also specifies the Repository crd which holds the backend information and the Task to use to restore the target.

  2. Stash operator watches for RestoreSession object.

  3. Once it finds a RestoreSession object, it resolves the respective Task and Function and prepares a Job definition to restore.

  4. Then, it creates the Job to restore the target.

  5. The Job reads necessary information to connect with the database from respective AppBinding crd. It also reads backend information and access credentials from Repository crd and Storage Secret respectively.

  6. Then, the job downloads the backed up data from the backend and injects into the desired database. Stash pipes the downloaded data to the respective database tool to inject into the database. Hence, restore job does not require a large volume to download entire backup data inside it.

  7. Finally, when the restore process is complete, the Job sends Prometheus metrics to the Pushgateway and update the RestoreSession status to reflect restore completion.

Next Steps

  • Backup a standalone MariaDB databases using Stash following the guide from here.
  • Backup a MariaDB cluster using Stash following the guide from here.
  • Configure a generic backup template for all the MariaDB databases of your cluster using Stash Auto-backup by following the guide from here.
  • Customize the backup & restore process for your cluster by following the guides from here.