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ProxySQL Compute Resource Autoscaling
This guide will give an overview on how KubeDB Autoscaler operator autoscales the database compute resources i.e. cpu and memory using proxysqlautoscaler
Before You Begin
- You should be familiar with the following
How Compute Autoscaling Works
The following diagram shows how KubeDB Autoscaler operator autoscales the resources of ProxySQL
database components. Open the image in a new tab to see the enlarged version.

The Auto Scaling process consists of the following steps:
At first, the user creates a
Custom Resource Object (CRO).KubeDB
Community operator watches theProxySQL
CRO.When the operator finds a
CRO, it creates required number ofPetSets
and related necessary stuff like secrets, services, etc.Then, in order to set up autoscaling of the CPU & Memory resources of the
database the user creates aProxySQLAutoscaler
CRO with desired configuration.KubeDB
Autoscaler operator watches theProxySQLAutoscaler
Autoscaler operator utilizes the modified version of Kubernetes official VPA-Recommender for different components of the database, as specified in theproxysqlautoscaler
CRO. It generates recommendations based on resource usages, & store them in thestatus
section of the autoscaler CRO.If the generated recommendation doesn’t match the current resources of the database, then
Autoscaler operator creates aProxySQLOpsRequest
CRO to scale the database to match the recommendation provided by the VPA object.KubeDB Ops-Manager operator
watches theProxySQLOpsRequest
CRO.Lastly, the
KubeDB Ops-Manager operator
will scale the database component vertically as specified on theProxySQLOpsRequest
In the next docs, we are going to show a step by step guide on Autoscaling of ProxySQL database using ProxySQLAutoscaler