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Apache Druid is a real-time analytics database designed for fast slice-and-dice analytics (“OLAP” queries) on large data sets. Druid is most often used as a database for powering use cases where real-time ingest, fast query performance, and high uptime are important. As such, Druid is commonly used for powering GUIs of analytical applications, or as a backend for highly-concurrent APIs that need fast aggregations. Druid works best with event-oriented data.

Supported Druid Features

Druid Dependency Management (MySQL, PostgreSQL and ZooKeeper)
Authentication & Authorization
Custom Configuration
Backup/Recovery: Instant, Scheduled ( KubeStash)
Monitoring with Prometheus & Grafana
Builtin Prometheus Discovery
Using Prometheus operator
Externally manageable Auth Secret
Reconfigurable Health Checker
Persistent volume
Dashboard ( Druid Web Console )
Automated Version Update
Automatic Vertical Scaling
Automated Horizontal Scaling
Automated db-configure Reconfiguration
TLS: Add, Remove, Update, Rotate ( Cert Manager )
Automated Reprovision
Automated Volume Expansion
Autoscaling (vertically)

Supported Druid Versions

KubeDB supports The following Druid versions.

  • 28.0.1
  • 30.0.1

The listed DruidVersions are tested and provided as a part of the installation process (ie. catalog chart), but you are open to create your own DruidVersion object with your custom Druid image.

Lifecycle of Druid Object


User Guide