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What is ElasticsearchDashboard

ElasticsearchDashboard is a Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRD). It provides a declarative configuration to specify the docker images to be used for Elasticsearch Dashboard (Kibana, Opensearch_Dashboards) deployed with KubeDB in Kubernetes native way. When you install KubeDB, an ElasticsearchVersion custom resource will be created automatically for every supported ElasticsearchDashboard version. Suppose you have a KubeDB-managed Elasticsearch provisioned in your cluster. You have to specify the name of Elasticsearch CRD in field of ElasticsearchDashboard CRD. Then, KubeDB will use the docker images specified in the ElasticsearchVersion CRD to create your expected dashboard.

ElasticsearchDashboard Specification

As with all other Kubernetes objects, an ElasticsearchDashboard needs apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields. It also needs a spec section.

kind: ElasticsearchDashboard
  name: es-cluster-dashboard
  namespace: demo
  replicas: 1
  enableSSL: true
    name: es-cluster-user-cred
    name: custom-configuration
    name: es-cluster
      - name: elasticsearch
            memory: 1.5Gi
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 1.5Gi
    - alias: primary
          - port: 5601
      - alias: database-client
        secretName: es-cluster-client-cert
  deletionPolicy: WipeOut


spec.replicas is an optional field that can be used if spec.topology is not specified. This field specifies the number of nodes (ie. pods) in the Elasticsearch cluster. The default value of this field is 1.


spec.enableSSL is an optional field that specifies whether to enable TLS to HTTP layer. The default value of this field is false. Enabling TLS from ElasticsearchDashboard CRD ensures secure connectivity with dashboard. In order to enable TLS in HTTP layer, the spec.enableSSL field in elasticsearch CRD has to be set to true.


spec.authSecret is an optional field that points to a k8s secret used to hold the Elasticsearch elastic/admin user credentials. In order to access elastic search dashboard these credentials will be required.

The k8s secret must be of type: with the following keys:

  • username: Must be elastic for x-pack, and admin for OpenSearch.
  • password: Password for the elastic/admin user. If spec.authSecret is not set, dashboard operator will use the authSecret from referred database object.


spec.configSecret is an optional field that allows users to provide custom configuration for ElasticsearchDashboard. It contains a k8s secret name that holds the configuration files for ElasticsearchDashboard. If not provided, operator generated configurations will be applied to dashboard. If configSecret is provided, it will be merged with the operator-generated configuration. The user-provided configuration has higher precedence over the operator-generated configuration. The configuration file names are used as secret keys.

  • Kibana:

    • kibana.yml for configuring Kibana
  • Opensearch_dashboards:

    • opensearch_dashboards.yml for configuring OpenSearch_Dashboards


spec.databaseRef specifies the database name to which ElasticsearchDashboard is pointing. Referenced Elasticsearch instance must be deployed in the same namespace with dashboard. The dashboard will not become ready until database is ready and accepting connection requests.


KubeDB allows providing a template for database pod through spec.podTemplate. KubeDB operator will pass the information provided in spec.podTemplate to the PetSet created for the Elasticsearch database.

KubeDB accepts the following fields to set in spec.podTemplate:

  • metadata

    • annotations (pod’s annotation)
  • controller

    • annotations (deployment’s annotation)
  • spec:

    • env
    • resources
    • initContainers
    • imagePullSecrets
    • nodeSelector
    • affinity
    • serviceAccountName
    • schedulerName
    • tolerations
    • priorityClassName
    • priority
    • securityContext
    • livenessProbe
    • readinessProbe
    • lifecycle


spec.serviceTemplates is an optional field that contains a list of the serviceTemplate. The templates are identified by the alias. For Dashboard, the only configurable service alias is primary.


spec.tls specifies the TLS/SSL configurations. User can provide custom TLS certificates using k8s secrets with allowed certificate aliases.ElasticsearchDashboard supports certificate with alias database-client to securely communicate with elasticsearch, alias ca to provide ca certificates and alias server for securely communicating with dashboard server. If spec.tls is not set the operator generated self-signed certificates will be used for secure connectivity with database and dashboard server.

Next Steps

  • Learn about Elasticsearch CRD here.
  • Deploy your first Elasticsearch database with KubeDB by following the guide here.
  • Deploy your first OpenSearch database with KubeDB by following the guide here.