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Reconfigure Kafka Topology Cluster

This guide will show you how to use KubeDB Ops-manager operator to reconfigure a Kafka Topology cluster.

Before You Begin

  • At first, you need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster.

  • Install KubeDB Provisioner and Ops-manager operator in your cluster following the steps here.

  • You should be familiar with the following KubeDB concepts:

To keep everything isolated, we are going to use a separate namespace called demo throughout this tutorial.

$ kubectl create ns demo
namespace/demo created

Note: YAML files used in this tutorial are stored in docs/examples/kafka directory of kubedb/docs repository.

Now, we are going to deploy a Kafka Topology cluster using a supported version by KubeDB operator. Then we are going to apply KafkaOpsRequest to reconfigure its configuration.

Prepare Kafka Topology Cluster

Now, we are going to deploy a Kafka topology cluster with version 3.6.1.

Deploy Kafka

At first, we will create a secret with the and file containing required configuration settings.


Here, log.retention.hours is set to 100, whereas the default value is 168 for broker and is set to 2000 for controller.

Let’s create a k8s secret containing the above configuration where the file name will be the key and the file-content as the value:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: kf-topology-custom-config
  namespace: demo
stringData: |-
    log.retention.hours=100 |-    
$ kubectl apply -f
secret/kf-topology-custom-config created


In this section, we are going to create a Kafka object specifying spec.configSecret field to apply this custom configuration. Below is the YAML of the Kafka CR that we are going to create,

kind: Kafka
  name: kafka-prod
  namespace: demo
  version: 3.6.1
    name: kf-topology-custom-config
      replicas: 2
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 1Gi
        storageClassName: standard
      replicas: 2
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 1Gi
        storageClassName: standard
  storageType: Durable
  deletionPolicy: WipeOut

Let’s create the Kafka CR we have shown above,

$ kubectl create -f created

Now, wait until kafka-prod has status Ready. i.e,

$ kubectl get kf -n demo -w
NAME          TYPE            VERSION   STATUS         AGE
kafka-prod   3.6.1     Provisioning   0s
kafka-prod   3.6.1     Provisioning   24s
kafka-prod   3.6.1     Ready          92s

Now, we will check if the kafka has started with the custom configuration we have provided.

Exec into the Kafka pod and execute the following commands to see the configurations:

$ kubectl exec -it -n demo kafka-prod-broker-0 -- bash
kafka@kafka-prod-broker-0:~$ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config /opt/kafka/config/ --describe --entity-type brokers --all | grep log.retention.hours
  log.retention.hours=100 sensitive=false synonyms={STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG:log.retention.hours=100, DEFAULT_CONFIG:log.retention.hours=168}
  log.retention.hours=100 sensitive=false synonyms={STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG:log.retention.hours=100, DEFAULT_CONFIG:log.retention.hours=168}

Here, we can see that our given configuration is applied to the Kafka cluster for all brokers. log.retention.hours is set to 100 from the default value 168.

Reconfigure using new config secret

Now we will reconfigure this cluster to set log.retention.hours to 125.

Now, update our and file with the new configuration.


Then, we will create a new secret with this configuration file.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: new-kf-topology-custom-config
  namespace: demo
stringData: |-
    log.retention.hours=125 |-    
$ kubectl apply -f
secret/new-kf-topology-custom-config created

Create KafkaOpsRequest

Now, we will use this secret to replace the previous secret using a KafkaOpsRequest CR. The KafkaOpsRequest yaml is given below,

kind: KafkaOpsRequest
  name: kfops-reconfigure-topology
  namespace: demo
  type: Reconfigure
    name: kafka-prod
      name: new-kf-topology-custom-config
  timeout: 5m
  apply: IfReady


  • specifies that we are reconfiguring kafka-prod database.
  • spec.type specifies that we are performing Reconfigure on our database.
  • specifies the name of the new secret.

Let’s create the KafkaOpsRequest CR we have shown above,

$ kubectl apply -f created

Verify the new configuration is working

If everything goes well, KubeDB Ops-manager operator will update the configSecret of Kafka object.

Let’s wait for KafkaOpsRequest to be Successful. Run the following command to watch KafkaOpsRequest CR,

$ kubectl get kafkaopsrequests -n demo 
NAME                         TYPE          STATUS       AGE
kfops-reconfigure-topology   Reconfigure   Successful   4m55s

We can see from the above output that the KafkaOpsRequest has succeeded. If we describe the KafkaOpsRequest we will get an overview of the steps that were followed to reconfigure the database.

$ kubectl describe kafkaopsrequest -n demo kfops-reconfigure-topology
Name:         kfops-reconfigure-topology
Namespace:    demo
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         KafkaOpsRequest
  Creation Timestamp:  2024-08-02T05:08:37Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    332491
  UID:                 b6e8cb1b-d29f-445e-bb01-60d29012c7eb
  Apply:  IfReady
    Config Secret:
      Name:  new-kf-topology-custom-config
  Database Ref:
    Name:   kafka-prod
  Timeout:  5m
  Type:     Reconfigure
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:08:37Z
    Message:               Kafka ops-request has started to reconfigure kafka nodes
    Observed Generation:   1
    Reason:                Reconfigure
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Reconfigure
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:08:45Z
    Message:               check reconcile; ConditionStatus:False
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                False
    Type:                  CheckReconcile
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:09:42Z
    Message:               successfully reconciled the Kafka with new configure
    Observed Generation:   1
    Reason:                UpdatePetSets
    Status:                True
    Type:                  UpdatePetSets
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:09:47Z
    Message:               get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  GetPod--kafka-prod-controller-0
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:09:47Z
    Message:               evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  EvictPod--kafka-prod-controller-0
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:10:02Z
    Message:               check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  CheckPodRunning--kafka-prod-controller-0
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:10:07Z
    Message:               get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  GetPod--kafka-prod-controller-1
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:10:07Z
    Message:               evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  EvictPod--kafka-prod-controller-1
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:10:22Z
    Message:               check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  CheckPodRunning--kafka-prod-controller-1
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:10:27Z
    Message:               get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  GetPod--kafka-prod-broker-0
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:10:27Z
    Message:               evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  EvictPod--kafka-prod-broker-0
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:11:12Z
    Message:               check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  CheckPodRunning--kafka-prod-broker-0
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:11:17Z
    Message:               get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  GetPod--kafka-prod-broker-1
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:11:17Z
    Message:               evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  EvictPod--kafka-prod-broker-1
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:11:32Z
    Message:               check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  CheckPodRunning--kafka-prod-broker-1
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:11:37Z
    Message:               Successfully restarted all nodes
    Observed Generation:   1
    Reason:                RestartNodes
    Status:                True
    Type:                  RestartNodes
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:11:39Z
    Message:               Successfully completed reconfigure kafka
    Observed Generation:   1
    Reason:                Successful
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Successful
  Observed Generation:     1
  Phase:                   Successful
  Type     Reason                                                                     Age    From                         Message
  ----     ------                                                                     ----   ----                         -------
  Normal   Starting                                                                   3m7s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  Start processing for KafkaOpsRequest: demo/kfops-reconfigure-topology
  Normal   Starting                                                                   3m7s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  Pausing Kafka databse: demo/kafka-prod
  Normal   Successful                                                                 3m7s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  Successfully paused Kafka database: demo/kafka-prod for KafkaOpsRequest: kfops-reconfigure-topology
  Warning  check reconcile; ConditionStatus:False                                     2m59s  KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check reconcile; ConditionStatus:False
  Normal   UpdatePetSets                                                              2m2s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  successfully reconciled the Kafka with new configure
  Warning  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0             117s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
  Warning  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0           117s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0  112s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0   102s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
  Warning  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1             97s    KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
  Warning  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1           97s    KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1  92s    KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1   82s    KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
  Warning  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0                 77s    KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
  Warning  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0               77s    KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0      72s    KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0       32s    KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
  Warning  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1                 27s    KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
  Warning  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1               27s    KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1      22s    KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1       12s    KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
  Normal   RestartNodes                                                               7s     KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  Successfully restarted all nodes
  Normal   Starting                                                                   5s     KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  Resuming Kafka database: demo/kafka-prod
  Normal   Successful                                                                 5s     KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  Successfully resumed Kafka database: demo/kafka-prod for KafkaOpsRequest: kfops-reconfigure-topology

Now let’s exec one of the instance and run a command to check the new configuration we have provided.

$ kubectl exec -it -n demo kafka-prod-broker-0 -- --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config /opt/kafka/config/ --describe --entity-type brokers --all | grep 'log.retention.hours'
  log.retention.hours=125 sensitive=false synonyms={STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG:log.retention.hours=125, DEFAULT_CONFIG:log.retention.hours=168}
  log.retention.hours=125 sensitive=false synonyms={STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG:log.retention.hours=125, DEFAULT_CONFIG:log.retention.hours=168}

As we can see from the configuration of ready kafka, the value of log.retention.hours has been changed from 100 to 125. So the reconfiguration of the cluster is successful.

Reconfigure using apply config

Now we will reconfigure this cluster again to set log.retention.hours to 150. This time we won’t use a new secret. We will use the applyConfig field of the KafkaOpsRequest. This will merge the new config in the existing secret.

Create KafkaOpsRequest

Now, we will use the new configuration in the applyConfig field in the KafkaOpsRequest CR. The KafkaOpsRequest yaml is given below,

kind: KafkaOpsRequest
  name: kfops-reconfigure-apply-topology
  namespace: demo
  type: Reconfigure
    name: kafka-prod
    applyConfig: |-
        log.retention.hours=150      |-        
  timeout: 5m
  apply: IfReady


  • specifies that we are reconfiguring kafka-prod cluster.
  • spec.type specifies that we are performing Reconfigure on kafka.
  • spec.configuration.applyConfig specifies the new configuration that will be merged in the existing secret.

Let’s create the KafkaOpsRequest CR we have shown above,

$ kubectl apply -f created

Verify the new configuration is working

If everything goes well, KubeDB Ops-manager operator will merge this new config with the existing configuration.

Let’s wait for KafkaOpsRequest to be Successful. Run the following command to watch KafkaOpsRequest CR,

$ kubectl get kafkaopsrequests -n demo kfops-reconfigure-apply-topology 
NAME                               TYPE          STATUS       AGE
kfops-reconfigure-apply-topology   Reconfigure   Successful   55s

We can see from the above output that the KafkaOpsRequest has succeeded. If we describe the KafkaOpsRequest we will get an overview of the steps that were followed to reconfigure the cluster.

$ kubectl describe kafkaopsrequest -n demo kfops-reconfigure-apply-topology 
Name:         kfops-reconfigure-apply-topology
Namespace:    demo
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         KafkaOpsRequest
  Creation Timestamp:  2024-08-02T05:14:42Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    332996
  UID:                 551d2c92-9431-47a7-a699-8f8115131b49
  Apply:  IfReady
    Apply Config:      log.retention.hours=150
  Database Ref:
    Name:   kafka-prod
  Timeout:  5m
  Type:     Reconfigure
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:14:42Z
    Message:               Kafka ops-request has started to reconfigure kafka nodes
    Observed Generation:   1
    Reason:                Reconfigure
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Reconfigure
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:14:45Z
    Message:               Successfully prepared user provided custom config secret
    Observed Generation:   1
    Reason:                PrepareCustomConfig
    Status:                True
    Type:                  PrepareCustomConfig
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:14:52Z
    Message:               successfully reconciled the Kafka with new configure
    Observed Generation:   1
    Reason:                UpdatePetSets
    Status:                True
    Type:                  UpdatePetSets
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:14:57Z
    Message:               get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  GetPod--kafka-prod-controller-0
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:14:57Z
    Message:               evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  EvictPod--kafka-prod-controller-0
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:15:07Z
    Message:               check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  CheckPodRunning--kafka-prod-controller-0
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:15:12Z
    Message:               get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  GetPod--kafka-prod-controller-1
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:15:12Z
    Message:               evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  EvictPod--kafka-prod-controller-1
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:15:27Z
    Message:               check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  CheckPodRunning--kafka-prod-controller-1
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:15:32Z
    Message:               get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  GetPod--kafka-prod-broker-0
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:15:32Z
    Message:               evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  EvictPod--kafka-prod-broker-0
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:16:07Z
    Message:               check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  CheckPodRunning--kafka-prod-broker-0
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:16:12Z
    Message:               get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  GetPod--kafka-prod-broker-1
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:16:12Z
    Message:               evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  EvictPod--kafka-prod-broker-1
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:16:27Z
    Message:               check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
    Observed Generation:   1
    Status:                True
    Type:                  CheckPodRunning--kafka-prod-broker-1
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:16:32Z
    Message:               Successfully restarted all nodes
    Observed Generation:   1
    Reason:                RestartNodes
    Status:                True
    Type:                  RestartNodes
    Last Transition Time:  2024-08-02T05:16:35Z
    Message:               Successfully completed reconfigure kafka
    Observed Generation:   1
    Reason:                Successful
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Successful
  Observed Generation:     1
  Phase:                   Successful
  Type     Reason                                                                     Age   From                         Message
  ----     ------                                                                     ----  ----                         -------
  Normal   Starting                                                                   2m6s  KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  Start processing for KafkaOpsRequest: demo/kfops-reconfigure-apply-topology
  Normal   Starting                                                                   2m6s  KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  Pausing Kafka databse: demo/kafka-prod
  Normal   Successful                                                                 2m6s  KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  Successfully paused Kafka database: demo/kafka-prod for KafkaOpsRequest: kfops-reconfigure-apply-topology
  Normal   UpdatePetSets                                                              116s  KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  successfully reconciled the Kafka with new configure
  Warning  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0             111s  KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
  Warning  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0           111s  KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0  106s  KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0   101s  KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-0
  Warning  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1             96s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
  Warning  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1           96s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1  91s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1   81s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-controller-1
  Warning  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0                 76s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
  Warning  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0               76s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0      71s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0       41s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-0
  Warning  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1                 36s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
  Warning  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1               36s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1      31s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:False; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
  Warning  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1       21s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:kafka-prod-broker-1
  Normal   RestartNodes                                                               15s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  Successfully restarted all nodes
  Normal   Starting                                                                   14s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  Resuming Kafka database: demo/kafka-prod
  Normal   Successful                                                                 14s   KubeDB Ops-manager Operator  Successfully resumed Kafka database: demo/kafka-prod for KafkaOpsRequest: kfops-reconfigure-apply-topology

Now let’s exec into one of the instance and run a command to check the new configuration we have provided.

$ $ kubectl exec -it -n demo kafka-prod-broker-0 -- --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config /opt/kafka/config/ --describe --entity-type brokers --all | grep 'log.retention.hours'
  log.retention.hours=150 sensitive=false synonyms={STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG:log.retention.hours=150, DEFAULT_CONFIG:log.retention.hours=168}
  log.retention.hours=150 sensitive=false synonyms={STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG:log.retention.hours=150, DEFAULT_CONFIG:log.retention.hours=168}

As we can see from the configuration of ready kafka, the value of log.retention.hours has been changed from 125 to 150. So the reconfiguration of the database using the applyConfig field is successful.

Cleaning Up

To clean up the Kubernetes resources created by this tutorial, run:

kubectl delete kf -n demo kafka-dev
kubectl delete kafkaopsrequest -n demo kfops-reconfigure-apply-topology kfops-reconfigure-topology
kubectl delete secret -n demo kf-topology-custom-config new-kf-topology-custom-config
kubectl delete ns demo

Next Steps